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это потому, что тут в два раза больше фпс
I do not really try with credits in the beginning. I put the roses because I used to call my studio Yellow Rose (length and two Yellow Roses for the 2017, reference to 'tragic love' that the yellow Roses represents.) but dropped it when I found out there was another yellow rose studio. kept them since I still like them even if I could not use the name for the studio. but The last time I tried to be stylistic I Had credits that were almost as long as the video itself (57sec combined with the least half of it being opening.) The video was 1 minute and 5 seconds. after that choreographed mess i decided just to do simple. granted I had even less time to do these on usual I did not even customise it to this video are use the same ones as I did for the other submission this contest. if time permitted I would've done a little bit different between the two but this was a thought too be second rate video that was either going to be submitted with another video or never. most recent edits done within 48-72 hours. I did most post stuff (sizing, naming) and screenshots the same day as the other video and they were also both submitted the same day. but really since the title is usually made last and most of the time (none this case but I could count on one hand) they are put in the same file as the video itself so the video is gonna be done done done since I have to decide how many pages the sources are going to be and stuff. but it is nice to put some comments here since I never really have a chance to discuss that being my wall of texts are way too big as it is.
basically I treat any time I use for credit to be time used for the video itself. I work with having everything be understood like the title be translated (The rest of the translation I just keep in documents from previous years.) because it can be affect the experience depending on how things are translate. (The translator did not translate 'path' that good originally (in any standard.) which is why I put it on the poster.) and i consider it polite not to be English centric but I have not really figured out what they want so until someone really makes it clear I decided to stick with the plane with some nice visual timing.
Many parts of the rest is alright to me. It serves as an alternate opening and it does. Things that don't work out are the insertion of the 3D transformation scenes. Those are just not fitting and are quite hectic and disturbing. The weakest parts are, when you try to sync up audio with fast cuts. That just doesn't fit to the rest of the video. You are going for a fake intro for Sailor Moon. Such things would certainly not be in it.