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480x270 640x360 720x405 960x540 [Встроить видео]
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Another factor contributing to this is the constant flashing. Flashes are great and i personally also like using them, but they become very tiring, if they're used in every scene. Also a tip! Instead of using the fade in/fade out transition, put a black solid above your clips, turn down the opacity and use the fade in/out on that. That way you can easily control the intensity of your flashes. Basically if you never let the flash go into complete black, it will look a lot smoother and more pleasant to watch!
Overall an enjoyable video though and a big improvement from your last year's amv! c:
Отдельное спасибо за стильные титры.
I didn't watch this anime so it's hard for me to evaluate your scene selection but it feels good. Cool AMV.
Special thanks for stylish titles.
Sony vegas + Adobe after effects = I respect this combination.
Some compositions could be improved, such as the one at 1:39, while others look pretty cool, like the one at 2:04. I enjoyed watching the video, good luck in the contest.
Подстановка сцен под трек (суммарно по клипу): 6 и 10
Визуальная гармония с треком (субъективная): 8 из 10
Качество монтажа: среднее без экспериментов
Перегруженность деталями: относительное
Концептуальная креативность: 0
В целом субъективно: 8 из 10