Начало раздела > Big Contest 2022, Action > Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago Распечатать

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

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I use Movavi Editor 4 Mac version (Equivalent to 16 pc Version) to edit the video. I put this anime with the power rangers theme because I heard that the author based Sailor Moon on the idea of an all female power rangers. I used this version instead of original iconic Go Go Power Rangers song, because the lyrics "centuries gone by" reminds me of Sailor Moon's reincarnation story. The song used a mash up that I ended using that pieced together the original song. This also makes redoing the video after losing the song almost impossible, I am using the original version of my amv for the music, as I no longer have this track. The quick flashes between different footage of the same characters at 52 seconds and at 1 minute 50 seconds is a tribute to the part in the original power rangers opening when they are showing the robot, right before they do the iconic Go Go Power Rangers line. I got the title from the end of book 10 of Magic Tree House, where the answer was Echos From The Past (that I listening to on April 5/6 (I started it before midnight, and ended it after midnight) 2022), and changed it up a bit, but still wanted to have it due with time and the Sailor Moon story, (I had a few titles relating to these two elements before the reading the book, the cheesiest/глупый one being Time After Time, and one of the top being Heroes Reincarnate, and Always An Protector Throughout Time (the last one was long). I did do a video last year with similar footage and would usually try not to do that two years in a row, but I submit this one anyway because this was the one is the better idea that I was going to submit last year, but lost the amv. Now that I found it, I did some edits,(most of the edits after Verse 1) and submitting it this year.

Аниме: Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystal
Музыка: Power Rangers Dino Thunder - Opening Full

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago

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2.42 2.42 (48 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 07.04.2022)
Добавил: Bean780 09.04.2022 в 22:22
2.42 2.42 (48 голосов)
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VideoBeats   User profile  Video channel
  23.05.2022 20:58
It's a pity, that the video and audio quality is that bad, cause the idea works pretty well imo c: If you need any help with better source material and encoding feel free to hit me up!
Cenit   User profile
  21.05.2022 16:44
Funny Song + Anime Opening doesn't always work. This is one of those cases.
ProSetup   User profile
  15.05.2022 19:20
Оно, конечно, плохо. Но плохо в стиле гундосой озвучки. Подделка под старину. Плоху старину, но всё же. Ретро.
Хотя бы есть синхра.
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  12.05.2022 23:55
полторы минуты было бы достаточно для сейлор ренджерс
Danny Amv   User profile  Video channel
  10.05.2022 10:05
очень редкая и плохо сделанная смесь
Милослав   User profile
  02.05.2022 16:56
Скриншотов дохера и больше
altermann   User profile  Video channel
  30.04.2022 23:42
мля, опять он.
Bean780   User profile
  11.04.2022 20:31
Default Avatar
Эль-тян написал(а):
Больше скриншотов богу скриншотов!

What can I say. I use the maximum allowed. (Doing with screenshots.)
Leberate   User profile  Video channel
  11.04.2022 20:25
А не плохо. Из-за динамики это смотрибельная годнота. Это лучше чем все что делал автор до этого. 4.
Darksss 73   User profile
  10.04.2022 02:56
Death_Kn1ght   User profile
  10.04.2022 01:09
Why your video have a black vertical stripe on the right at 1:58 and some times more ? And start to use Premiere Pro/Sony Vegas + After Effects plz -_-
By the way, this video looks more better than your previous videos , thats nice ^_^
Эль-тян   User profile
  10.04.2022 00:44
Больше скриншотов богу скриншотов!
Risen404   User profile  Video channel
  09.04.2022 22:29
На сколько помню в 14-м году запускал Момави Редактор на компе где сони нормально работает, так он там дико тяжело шёл... >.<

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