
Blood In The Wine

В клипе присутствуют серьезные спойлеры!

Yeah, it's been a while-- basically a whole year since my last upload. There's been a lot of crazy stuff going on in my life, but I'm back with my first vid of the year 2022, and yeah, it's another Secret Santa AMV for my Discord group.

This year, my lucky recipient was MinetChan, a fellow editor with great taste in anime, music, and everything movie-related. Be sure to check her channel out!
MinetChan's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/minet360xX

I noticed that Princess Mononoke is one of her favorite anime films (like I said, she has great taste), and one of her favorite music artists is AURORA, whom I just started listening to. I originally planned to use Florence + The Machine, but decided AURORA was a better match-up. I had a hard time choosing a song until I came across this one by chance, thanks to her most recent album release. Otherwise, even though I'm a little late, I had fun editing this together. Hope you enjoy it!

Аниме: Princess Mononoke
Музыка: AURORA - Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

Blood In The Wine

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3.23 3.23 (13 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 01.03.2022)
Добавил: silentherostudios 25.03.2022 в 21:10
3.23 3.23 (13 голосов)
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