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Клёвый олдскульный трэк)
Спасибо за работу
P.S. Всеж понимают. Всю жизнь плахую музыку слушал, не то чтоб дабстепыч с думдумсами наворачивать, вот бы сразу понял как бати синхрить должны. А так зусим ахлох канешн.
P.P.S. Простите ещё раз.
P/D: stop editing action meps!! plz! :u
The forum isn't that active anymore. Most things happen on discord.
Can you list the german forums?
I'm just curious how your amv-community looks like
Or you talking about the youtube's comment section?
Don't worry i can take that kind of stuff ^^ I've been on the internet and in the german amv community for long enough. Just isn't really inviting for newer people on this site to be active.
Я угадал, кто делал среднюю часть.
Это был единственный кусочек, который можно было смотреть.
Вечная проблема MEP-ов.
спасибо, вкусно
По поводу синхронизации - не скажу что ее нет, просто по своему обыграно, хотя Videobeats может во все виды синхры)
воть можешь пока этим перебиться xD
Google was correct, Leb exactly wrote: "you are deafs, the three of you". It may sounds rude indeed, but I don't think he wanted to hurt you, it's just the way he talks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Don't take it personal.
В целом походит на халтурку "фор фан".
I still enjoy watching it although the sync definetly could be more interesting at times.
regarding this comment section: I think it's really important to be honest with your opinion. It's something i really like about this community. I don't really get why people have to be rude though.
For example Leberate: I can understand that you might have synced this really differently and thats good to know as i really enjoy most of your works. But i wouldn't go to your last video that i didn't enjoy and tell you that you are braindead because the anime song combo is garbage. I would simply say that i didn't really get the anime song combo and the video didn't work for me because of that reason. (just an example i'm really looking forward to your upcoming videos c:)
Maybe google translate didn't translate it that well though.
В первом парте чувствуется какой-то олдскульный стиль . Навеяло чем-то из 2012-2013 годов. Там синхра есть , но надо вслушиваться.
Ну а по клипу: вот что происходит, если не можешь в синхру, но очень хочется.