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Clannad ~ My Family ~

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This is my only videoclip made after watching Clannad After Story in year 2010. It pretty much follows the original plot except for the final twist. :) The quality is questionable, that's true - I didn't have any HD footage or decent software back then. Hopefully I'll make a HQ remastering of this AMV one day.
Even though it's ancient and the pixels might scare you, let me know what you think of it in the comment section, feedback in Russian/English is much appreciated. :)

Аниме: Clannad ~ After Story ~
Музыка: MUCC - Chiisano Mado

Clannad ~ My Family ~

Clannad ~ My Family ~

Clannad ~ My Family ~

Clannad ~ My Family ~

Clannad ~ My Family ~

Clannad ~ My Family ~

Clannad ~ My Family ~

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480 x 270
640 x 360
720 x 405
960 x 540
3.38 3.38 (13 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 16.07.2010)
Добавил: Kamilla Kayter 29.12.2020 в 13:32
3.38 3.38 (13 голосов)
Поставить оценку клипу могут только зарегистрированные и авторизованные пользователи!
Страницу прочитали: 405 раз
Просмотров он-лайн: 42 раза
Клип скачали: 119 раз
Скачали Torrent: 64 раза

Комментарии (2)
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Милослав   User profile
  18.01.2021 13:51
Качество картинки ужасное
NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  30.12.2020 17:20
Terrible, terrible video quality... even for 640x360, TV channel logo on the top right... of course, making an entire 5-minute clip from scratch is a huge job, but ... but at least all can watch it!

from 01:09 you need some kind of "amplification" in the displayed video (there a drum is added to the music track, a short and easy ''operation of the camera'' would be enough)
01:58 - no emphasis on the moment
and there was no need to change scenes for every word (02:13-02:19 and 02:24-02:27 you can see it very well)
from 02:50 to 03:08 there was no need to make such overlays of video layers, it looks very bad
the rest is generally good

Bottom line: good storyline video with a few minor bugs.
But due to the image quality, this AMV is very difficult to watch.

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