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Higher & Further

When I first heard the song, I instantly knew that I have to make an AMV with Haikyuu to this song. I grabbed one part of the refrain, which is the title as well. I wanted to avoid the more generic type of sport AMVs, and song choices. I've seen really few videos with this atmosphere which encouraged me more to finish this video. During the last few days of editing I encountered plenty of technical difficulties, like crashes, and huge delays in previews, even though I had the video split into 3 different Ae projects just to make sure I can open them, but still, it wasn't enough. Making this video made me learn many things, and beta-testing it was especially interesting, and again, thank you all!
Hopefully you'll like it!

Additional note: From 0:46, it is purple on purpose. Many beta testers noted that it's a weird switch, but the fact is, (for those who haven't seen the anime) the guy's team color is purple, so this way it's more anime-connected.
Furthermore, since I barely can change anything on the video, I'm not quite able to make a proper before-after video either, so if anyone is interested in the first full beta render, then here it is:

Anime: Haikyuu
Music: Tommee Profitt - Onward & Upward

Higher & Further

Higher & Further

Higher & Further

Higher & Further

Higher & Further

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3.94 3.94 (126 votes)
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Author: (video created: 24.03.2020)
Submitted by: Vhenrik 29.03.2020 at 11:01
3.94 3.94 (126 votes)
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Comments (37)
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okhostok   User profile  Video channel
  29.03.2020 21:11
Thought, Fungary Community will do only fun...
Good job, take my 5.
-Kib-   User profile
  30.03.2020 10:37
Мне до начала экшен части м/в нравилось, дальше не хватило живости в происходящем.

upd. Вообще тянет пересмотреть, после нескольких просмотров экшен получше идёт, не хватает камеры может.

I, before the start of the action part, liked the m/v, in action lacked liveliness in what was happening.
In general, I am drawn to rewatch, after several views the action looking better, not enough camera may be.

MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  29.03.2020 15:18
Осторожно! Можно получить передоз пафоса.
FT   User profile  Video channel
  29.03.2020 13:58
Default Avatar
Pretty cool!
.grs   User profile
  29.03.2020 12:40
обычный клип про типа, который ̶с̶п̶а̶с̶а̶е̶т̶ ̶м̶и̶р̶ играет в волейбол в пыльном спортзале, атмосферой всего этого действа не проникся
Risen404   User profile  Video channel
  29.03.2020 11:58
М/в не почувствовал.
Encruzio   User profile  Video channel
  29.03.2020 11:29
First... Khm i am just kidding.
good clip. perfectly beat dramatic moments. maybe closer to the end, when the heat begins, it was worth focusing the viewer's attention on the strength of the blow with the help of some kind of camera shifts or aberrations. But this is just my opinion. And so the clip is quite good. well done .

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