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как фанату фейта безумно понравился
"yOu ClEaRlY dOn'T uNdErStAnD tHe LoRe"
- sMaRt hUeHueBR 2k19
You have a point there, buddy. I will.
big brain
I didn't get that "cinematic vibes". Try harder next time and don't forget to prevent everything from melting.
I know i should ignore people like you (no offence), but hey, i didnt use much of a "twixtorable" scenes nor tried to edit it (slowdowns etc). Comparsion with editors, who focus on editing using twixtor sounds retarded imo.
More than that, i even think that it is irrelevant here, since the video are closer to cinematic type, and more than 24 fps just wipes this vibe leaving there sort of "editing traces".
Above 1 is nice already
>nice video
cHoOSe oNE
Очень крутая работа, 5 и в избранное, спасибо :3