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It's funny coming from you...
Small things that tilted me were the ways you broke your own sync rules that were established since the start of each segment of the video more than once, for example since the very first cut, you sync the beat by changing to the next scene, or with an effect like glow/exposure e.g. 0:33, or even some internal sync using pixel motion to match the steps at 0:36.
But then at 0:45 nothing happens at all you could have easily timed the character turning around to the beat or something, just feels like an oversight and sloppy more than actually wanting the scene to stay on the screen for longer to benefit the video, since all the beats after are paired with a visual response again.
The hand at 1:33 moves way to fast for how large it is, it is absolutely absent of weight, even for a transcendent heavenly entity it should feel grounded with the world that surrounds it, it's speed when it gets slower is just fine but as it enters the scene it looks like scaled up footage, which it just might be but the way it's edited it feels like it doesn't belong.
At 1:52 you start snapping glow to the reoccurring sound and feels consistent, up until 2:01 where again nothing happens, easy fix by timing her to look up as the sound plays or adding glow only to the bg if you wanted her untouched/focused on.
Some comps such as 2:15 when the stars light up the light shed on the rocks feels very artificial, as in doesn't actually blend with the actual surface and looks like a feathered hand drawn mask instead.
The scene at 1:41 was definitely my fav and the biggest wow moment for me, despite the odd blue little boys floating around in such a warm looking scene https://i.imgur.com/NJ5uvLw.png
Should have placed higher in the contest, judging by the winner videos I've watched.
le kino has arrived
Может музыка всё же недостаточно правильно передаёт, то что автор хочет показать( Жаль конечно, сочетание Вардруны и Мушиши просто отличное.
Прикольная штука
вот как надо делать атмосферные клипы
Откуда она здесь?