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Sacrifice 28.05.2015

Hi! This is my first video here at amvnews (i did some at yt), i tried a lot of things in this video and i really would love to know what you guys think of it, the video editor i used is sony vegas 12, hope you guys enjoy it :)

Аниме: AMV: Darker than Black, Corpse Party, Fate/zero, HOTD, Gintama, Death Note, Code Geass, Flandre Scarlet P.V. Touhou project Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope~ Memories of Phantasm. Oppening: Sankarea, Mirai nikki, Touhou, Shingeki no kyojin, Hatsune miku - bacterial contamination.
Музыка: Dangerkids - Hostage


Комментарии: 47 |  Рейтинг: 2.382.38
Автор: manoma2304

I hear the beat of your soul 23.03.2021

Всем привет! Это Suncore!)

Музыка - это страсть. Страсть - это краски. Из красок состоит жизнь.
Настоящий DJ живет музыкой и окрашивает ей жизнь во все цвета радуги. Он чувствует бит твоего сердца и души:)

Это моя 4я amv. Немного простенькая, но на мой взгляд, окрыляющая, ибо отражает бездну моей неиссякаемой любви к музыке) Надеюсь вам тоже понравится!;)

Hi everyone! It's Suncore!) Music is passion. Passion is colors. Life consists of colors.
A real DJ lives with music and painting life in all the colors of the rainbow. He feels the beat of your heart and soul :) This is my 4th amv. A little simple, but in my opinion, inspiring, because it reflects the abyss of my unquenchable love for music) I hope you will like it too!;)

Аниме: D4DJ, W'z, Nagi no Asu kara, Air gear, Free!, Uta no Prince Sama, Yuri!!! on Ice, Karneval, No.6, Hamatora The Animation, Shugo Chara!, Myself Yuorself, Norn9: Norn+Nonet, Black Butler, Masamune-kun no Revenge, Class President is a Maid!, K-On!, Haunted Academy, Kimi no Na wa, Koisuru Asteroid, Solex (Remastered), Solex-Remix of Time, Talk dirty to me
Музыка: MK feat Nahoko - Pray, Starving Trancer feat. Shun - Ano hi Time Machine, Starving Trancer _ MAKI - そのままの君でいて, Cittan* - Luna

I hear the beat of your soul

Комментарии: 17 |  Рейтинг: 2.372.37

Dead to Me 25.04.2017

В данном описание, присутствуют серьёзные спойлеры :3
В этом AMV, рассказывается о не лёгкой судьбе главного героя аниме "Шарлотта" (Yū Otosaka) чья сестра погибла в итоги пробуждения своих способностей (крах). И он становиться "Отшельником" сбегая из дома и вытворяя беспорядок, в конце данного видео, нам показывают тонкую грань которую он чуть не перешёл, но его вовремя остановила его очень хорошая подруга.
С уважением:

Аниме: Charlotte (TV)
Музыка: Sex Whales & Fraxo – Dead To Me

Dead to Me

Комментарии: 26 |  Рейтинг: 2.372.37
Автор: Meshalkin, Naif

Mardock Star 22.05.2015

После просмотра аниме Мердок Скрембл не смог остаться равнодушным и в ходе размышлений родилась идея попробовать создать АМВ клип. Основной сюжет крутится вокруг главной героини аниме Merdock Scramble. Надеюсь что те кто видел его и так же любят как я оценят мою скромную работу.

Аниме: Mardock Scramble, Black Rock Shooter, Ergo Proxy
Музыка: Bring me the horizon - Sleepwalking

Mardock Star

Комментарии: 9 |  Рейтинг: 2.362.36
Автор: Desire61

Saya: The Vampire Slayer 05.05.2017

Попытка совместить в одной битве трех известных персонажей. Изначально работа не планировалась на конкурс, но поскольку успел практически в последний день, загружаю сюда.

Аниме: Blood: The Last Vampire, Vampire Hunter D, Hellsing (TV)
Музыка: Nerf Herder - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme

Saya: The Vampire Slayer

Комментарии: 19 |  Рейтинг: 2.352.35
Автор: Genickus

Brutal world ghouls 17.04.2015

Комментарий автора: In this video I wanted to show how much cruelty and pain in the world not only ghouls but in a living, have a nice view ☺ hope that the video will find its audience or will give an idea to create something better than this.

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul
Музыка: Icy Lust - Sapphire PANDA EDM SHOW, Teminite - Goin' In PANDA EDM SHOW

brutal world ghouls

Комментарии: 33 |  Рейтинг: 2.352.35
Автор: HardBurst

The Chase of Time Together 17.05.2023

I use Movavi Editor 4 Mac version (Equivalent to 16 pc Version) to edit the video. I know I overdo it on the screenshots but even though I tell myself am going to do less it never happens. I decided to submit this as a second one because it was simple and even though I love how it was done when I open the document for the most part there was likely six cuts in the whole project even if there were timed well and very heavily use of the sailor Moon r opening. at least those problems existed when I wrote this description which was the day before Final edits but even though the base is still the same more detailed edits have occurred since then. A lot of the cuts are based off of the cyber 6 op in terms of the transformation choices and the running but i did put my spin on it. some of the transformations were not even 'found' until earlier this year. (that pinkish boot in 3d were from the 'English' pilot.)) I also added some romance scenes to fit the song nicer. this is probably will be one of my biggest attempt of romance which I am proud of and also doubles as a character study.

this is also the first video I use the background remover on purpose. (I did it on accident on a unsubmitted video from before I did contests and was never able to figure out how that happened until recently.) with the slow walking scenes involving a lot of layering. o techman blade was the rose petal on the black background.

if you are wondering why such a thing was made. I only vaguely remember making this amv. (I remember being called out for dinner when doing the queen scene though it was after the other sailor Moon ones were made.) but if I remember correctly I made this one as a spare just in case I cannot find or work out how to make a different video without the bars. (there was a point in which I did not know you could change the dimensions on the video editor as silly as that might sound.) and because the running scene look similar to the opening of the show the song came from. I also sometimes put other music on top of openings just to see but never to submit so it likely began as that which was likely where the base to expand this project came from. though weirdly enough this one might be more understandable than the main entry since I have did a few more cuts and made it my own and hopefully people will enjoy it along with my other complex video being submitted.

Аниме: Tekkaman Blade/Teknoman , Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystal
Музыка: Coral Egan - Cybersix Opening (Deep in my Heart)

The Chase of Time Together

Комментарии: 5 |  Рейтинг: 2.302.30
Автор: Bean780

The Day Is My Enemy 08.05.2015

Трейлер по аниме Gensou Mangekyou - The Memories of Phantasm (сюжет аниме это пересказ игры "Perfect Cherry Blossom" из серии Touhou Project). Просмотр этого аниме совпал с выходом альбома известной группы, это и стало причиной появления клипа, надеюсь он вам понравится.

Аниме: Touhou Gensou Mangekyou - The Memories of Phantasm
Музыка: The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy

The Day Is My Enemy

Комментарии: 23 |  Рейтинг: 2.282.28
Автор: n_241

Iron Tail 28.05.2023

Вы думали, что жить в фентезийном мире легко и весело? Нет, на самом деле, всё совсем не так. В мире героини этого клипа власть захватили три главные расы: эльфы (самые надменные и могущественные), люди (самые коварные и лживые) и демоны (самые злые и жестокие). А всем остальным жилось несладко. Хуже всех приходилось зверолюдам. Они оказались самой бедной и бесправной расой. В этом мире они были рабами, выполнявшими самую чёрную работу. А детей зверолюдов продавали на опыты алхимикам, или богатым дворянам в качестве сексуальных игрушек. Короче, жизнь у этих сказочных существ была совсем не сказочная.
Но, как гласит древнее пророчество, однажды в этот мир придёт Чёрный Зверь, который покажет эльфам, демонам и людям, где в исекае раки зимуют.

"Гибкое тело, изящные движения, смертельная хватка.
Безмолвный зверь - рука смерти из самого тёмного сумеречного часа.
Я иду по твоему следу, скрываясь на тайных тропах,
Найду ли я тебя, или исчезну в ночи и снег скроет мою жизнь во тьме?"
(Вольный перевод текста песни)

Аниме: Tensei shitara Ken Deshita
Музыка: Kalmah - Black Marten´s Trace

Iron Tail

Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 2.272.27
Автор: Anima Purgatorius

Не время для печали 10.04.2009

Клип участник конкурса AMVNews: Big Contest 2009

Комментарий автора:
Клип конечно не велик,
Но в руках огнём горит.
Золотой акын рубает басом,
Сотрясает мозгИ встрясом.
Урожай колов собрать поможет,
Разогнать тоску он сможет.
Он на сервере лежит
И на мир сквозь винт глядит.
Раствори в огне печаль,
Не зевай - быстрей включай!

Среди прочего смотрите грустную и поучительную историю о юном волшебнике, который оперировал абстрактными магическими формулами но получил за них конкретных звездюлей :((( А также развесёлую частичную экранизацию каменного гостя и короткосерийный сериал "Докуро тян спешит на помощь". На слишком ярком мониторе невозможно увидеть всю игру красок композиции! Употребление пищи и жидкостей во время просмотра клипов опасно для вашего здоровья!

Аниме: Zenki, xxxHOLIC Kei, Zero no Tsukaima Princess no Rondo, Joshikosei, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ikki Tousen - Legendary Fighter, Inuyasha, Requiem From the Darkness, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Музыка: Napalm Death - Prison Without Walls, Виноградный день - брутал, Виноградный день - дебаты

Не время для печали

Комментарии: 165 |  Рейтинг: 2.222.22
Автор: Бармалино

Episode Of Nami 02.05.2022

This amv tells the story of Nami before officially joining the strawhats, her sad past amd how luffy helped her fight arlong who killer her mom and been using her and betrayed. Made while learing editing.

Аниме: One Piece
Музыка: Adele - Set fire to the rain (drill remix)

Episode Of Nami

Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 2.192.19
Автор: Blood

THE MAN OF STEEL 06.05.2023

I made it with my favorite songs and my favorite animation.
I composed the AMV according to the story of this anime and created it mainly for the battle scenes.
The source is an old anime, but I hope you enjoy it.

Аниме: Fullmetal Alchemist
Музыка: Clattanoia English ver


Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 2.182.18
Автор: Theo218

Whispered Beads In Smoke 07.04.2024

(in terms of the spoilers I do not think there's any big but I only watched up to around ep16 on disk (I forgot the numbering) , I put minor but proceed with caution)
I use movavi (same edition as always) and macbook air 2014, my storyline focuses on the character recounting his life which he is evaluating. how each thing leads to another which he keeps trying to move to the next thing but keeps hitting problems that he has to figure out no matter how many time he goes through it. he tries to battle to get back the past things he wishes but the moment he tries to grab it it flies away again. even though I will say these clips moved a lot all over the places from the draft 1 to 7 it still had the right topic of evaluating the past from the present.

Granted I know I have to discuss the obvious unique thing about this video. (English has a expressions elephant in the room elephant for the concept, not sure that the equivalent) I have a feeling I am probably the first person at least in the last 6, 7 years (if ever) that has actually chosen the use someone else's video and credit it option. this began when I was other looking for videos with this song new disease and saw a amv for this character on animated music video .org that was not good at all. I thought that I could even do a better video with this different video that I also thought was not the best on the same character as the other video. I think I succeeded at least compare to that video. this is not a I 'ripped off this video and added to 3 scenes' different without changing the order of said scenes, this is my own video that uses scenes made from another person's video. granted once I knew I was going to enter this into the contest this year I spent 5 days making it more my own. I try not to make everything a fight scene and focussed on personal scenes but still have enough action to keep it going, that was difficult to balance definitely as I found new clips.

some areas have a different aspect ratio but that is artistic intent of a 'ribbon effect' for drama. I fixed all of the ones that were wrong by cropping and stretching. I also forwarded one of the battles had a worn tape word out effect that I think worked well. if you can ignore the shortfalls that came with this video from the source I think it is very nice to watch. Quick note about the credits. I tried particularly for the end ones to increase the quality, I spent 4 hours on those end credits trying to work the program in the end I had to just use a screen share option on the PowerPoint and I did not get the margins perfect between the two slides. I know I am a joke and I heard a few people think I was making fun of the contest because of the credits so I really want to be clear I am not an animator I am an editor only.

also the subtitles are done by ear I think I did a good job finding where the lyrics ended and began but I am only human so they will likely be some human error by a few milliseconds. but you know how the saying goes ,better than nothing. do have to thank Artofeel for suggesting the program that made the subtitles, it worked nicely.

Аниме: yu yu hakusho,Hiei - Gessekai by Charbunnitube
Музыка: Spineshank - New Disease (Everything I Know)

Whispered Beads In Smoke

Комментарии: 17 |  Рейтинг: 2.152.15
Автор: Bean780

Last day of memory 28.04.2019

Всем доброго времени суток. На вашу оценку, моя первая работа в таком жанре видео. Что то удалось предать, что то нет, не судите строго. Жду качественную обратную связь от вас.
И хорошего вам просмотра!

Аниме: Любимый во Франксе Darling in the FranXX
Музыка: Paris Blohm feat. Elle Vee - Into Dust

Last day of memory

Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 2.142.14
Автор: Reale

Glowing Around The Twist 25.03.2020

Hi, this is my first entry in Big Con (though I have done other contests). I use a MacBook Air 2014 and Movavi Video Editor for this video. The spoiler warning is for Max Steel 2013 but I think it is a thing you got to looking for to be spoiled. (It is a scene from the last episode, just in case you are curious.) I made this video for last year’s Big Con (2019) but missed the deadline by a few days. I found this song at a school dance. I chose this song because of the contests “Best use of Russian music” nomination. My goal was to meet the transitions between scenes details match. This is one of the sites I used for the English translation, alternating between translations (There are two English translations on the website). (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/кружит-turns.html) I originally made this video in 120fps but for the Additional and Preview resolution, I made it 60fps. The title was chosen based on a song/show/expression, going around the twist, and the part of the song used which translates to “spinning”(translation1).

Аниме: Tekkaman Blade, Rosario Vampire, Max Steel(2000),Max Steel(2013), Sailor Moon, Generator Gawl,Blue Exorcist,Kekkaishi, Phantom 2040, 07 Ghost, Chouja Reideen, 11Eyes, Knights of the Zodiac, Xabungle, Absolute Duo, Slayers, Mummies Alive, Seikon no Qwaser, Yu Yu Hakusho, Huntic, Invasion America, Demon King Daimao, Descendants of Darkness, Silent Mobius, Wedding Peach
Музыка: Dmitriy Monatik - Kruzhit/Кружит

Glowing Around The Twist

Комментарии: 22 |  Рейтинг: 2.142.14
Автор: Bean780

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