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Grand Theft Bebop 2: Vice City 25.03.2023

Известный клип со стилизацией под игру "GTA: Vice City", которого почему-то не было на сайте.
Это недоразумение мною исправлено.
Надеюсь ещё не слишком поздно :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Аниме: Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ on Heaven's Door
Музыка: Twisted Sister – I Wanna Rock, A Flock of Seagulls – I Ran, Gary Numan – Cars, Blondie – Atomic, Jan Hammer – Crockett's Theme
Награды: 2004 VCA Winner

Grand Theft Bebop 2: Vice City

Comments: 7 |  Rating: 3.403.40
Author: Fluxmeister

Price Of Purity 14.07.2016

Клип участник Skirmish & Slots #5: The GodStitcher

Найти свое солнце, равеять ради него все тучи, сгореть от его чистейшего пламени... Где мой билет в Вальхалу?

По Скирмишу: нежданчик, не подффортило, и Гандамов я так и не полюбил - этак отомстил им сюжеткой (она в клипе есть, да-да ) ^^

Аниме: Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans
Музыка: Dance Gavin Dance - Tree Village

Price Of Purity

Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.403.40
Author: VovanKoperativ

Resistance 31.10.2020

Красивый визуал, крутой трек, свежий исходник и интересный подбор кадров от Зеро.
Данный клип делался для Sunset Club IC #1: Shooting Star.

Аниме: Fate/Grand Order
Музыка: Within Temptation - Raise Your Banner,  Within Temptation - In Vain (Instrumental)


Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: `ZeRo

Sacrificial Hope 28.02.2013

MagicalHeatherAMVs (novice): This was the first time that I've ever participated in the Level Up contest scene. I was never really aware of the contest actually, until I started participating in a different one and Irriadin was part of the contest hosting. After seeing all the work I've been doing in that, he suggested that I should participate in this one as one of his novices. So, special thanks to him for getting me involved! :P As for the video, I really enjoyed working on it and believe it's one of my better AMVs and I've learned a lot about editing really quickly and efficiently. Normally I like to take my time on these, but my time schedule wouldn't allow it. I still could use more learning time with effects, but I felt it was best to keep things simple and not too flashy or gaudy with this one. I wanted the video to shine on it's own with it's own emotion to it.

irriadin (pro): When MagicalHeather came to me with this song / anime combination, I knew it would work really well. The two work surprisingly well together... conveying the dark sense of quiet despair surrounding the story of Madoka Magica. This AMV specifically has a very melancholic feeling about it that makes it unique among the other AMVs using this show. MagicalHeather really nailed the atmosphere in Sacrificial Hope, and I was happy to help her.

Аниме: Madoka Magica
Музыка: The Birthday Massacre - Kill the Lights

Sacrificial Hope

Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.393.39

Kagepro Shake 19.09.2019

My entry for the ENP IC 2019. 2nd place overall rank. A Psychadelic nightmare caused by the loss of a dear friend and lover
I guess the video really doesnt have that much of a story, but i kinda wanted to catch the surrealistic feelings of our dreams.

Аниме: Mekaku City Actors
Музыка: X&G - Whiplash (ft. Josh Pan)

Kagepro Shake

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: Insofistikerad

Anime Music Video 06.06.2023

Клип не рекомендуется к просмотру лицам до 18 лет.

Продукт анимесодержащий "AMV Клип" "Anime Music Video" идентичный натуральному полностью соответствует обновлённому регламенту БК по ТУ, БУ, УГ, ЕГ и прочим характеристикам.
Нажимая кнопку "плей" пользователь подтверждает что осознаёт всё что может быть связано с просмотром анимесодержащего продукта даже в том случае если он не читал обязательное к прочтению описание и/или обновлённые правила БК. А так же соглашается с тем что за все риски связанные с просмотром включая, но не ограничиваясь массовой долей жира в процентах автор ответственности не несёт.

Аниме: GTA 5, Various, GTA 5 Mod, Various, Sound! Euphonium (2-й сезон), BanG Dream 2nd Season, Картинки и Гифки из интернета
Музыка: Silicon Dream - Corleone Speaking

Anime Music Video

Comments: 30 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: SWS

Efflorescence 21.03.2015

nezumichan (Novice) (Previous works / Предыдущие работы): I am very grateful to Centurione for accepting me as her Novice. She helped me notice things to which I didn't pay attention before, thus refining my eye for detail and my sense for enhacing the flow and atmosphere throughout the video. This whole experience, although somewhat exhausting, was extremely fun and I hope you enjoy the result of it.
Whenever I listened to "Eva" (before deciding to do this AMV), I would picture sweet little Mirai. I think it suits her very well - a small, kind girl rejected by the world. However, rather than her fragility, I focused on the courage and drive to protect the one she loves. By finding and fighting for each other, they both go through this process of blooming, surpassing their shortcomings - it's an unfolding, a bursting forth, an efflorescence.

Centurione (Pro): I'm glad I got to work with nezumichan, she was a splendid Novice and I wish I was as spelndid as a Pro. I didn't spend as much time as I wished with her, but if I managed to help her imrove, even if just a bit, I'm all happy and yays and flowers ;) To be honest, I was a bit sceptical about the song choice at the beginning, but it turned out much better than I've ever imagined as a combo with KnK. Go and enjoy ;)

Аниме: Kyoukai no Kanata, Clannad After Story, Inu x Boku SS, Ef - a tale of melodies
Музыка: Nightwish - Eva


Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: nezumichan

Hellfire 18.09.2017

Комментарий авторов: A mep we did for MDS IC! It's a contest in team of 4, hope you'll enjoy o/ We won the contest!! I am sorry for my former comrades.

Аниме: Canaan/Monster, Sword Art Online, Guilty Crown, Code Geass
Музыка: Celldweller - End of the Empire


Comments: 7 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: lokkiclu, MagicDarkLight, Zuuki (+1)

Paralyzed 17.06.2021

Привет, моя первая полноценная работа на Daiguren IC. Много чего можно было сделать и исправить, к сожалению, у меня на ic оставалось два дня. В целом рейтингом я доволен. Надеюсь, вам понравится, приятного просмотра)

Аниме: Jujutsu Kaisen
Музыка: ALESTI - Paralyzed (feat. James DeBerg)


Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: Kiyoshi

When Anime Wasn't About Schoolgirls 10.09.2015

Category: Retro

I've wanted to do a video like this with this song for the past 2 years but hadn't got to it... However, when I saw this contest had its own "retro" category, I was like "mate, no one makes a retro AMV better than myself" and so I staright away got this song and started. But also, in my head, the plan of this AMV (over the past 2 years) was much better. This isn't as good as I wanted it to be, because I rushed it and done it in 2 days, because I had only found out about this contest 2 days before the original deadline. Either way, I still kinda like it.

A compilation of action scenes and cyberpunk rock music is as old school as an AMV can get 8-)

Аниме: Akira (1988), Amon Saga (1986), Battle Angel Alita (1993), Berserk (1997), Black Jack (1996), Bubblegum Crash (1991), Cowboy Bebop (1998), Dark Myth (1990), Dragonball Z (1989), Detonator Orgun (1991), Fist of the North Star (1986), Ghost in the Shell (1995), Kaidohmaru (2001), Kite (1999), Land Lock (1996), Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (1995), Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995), New Gall Force (1991), Patlabor (1989), Perfect Blue (1997), Psychic Wars (1991), Ray Earth (1994), Sword For Truth (1990), Vampire Hunter D (1985), Vampire Wars (1990), Violence Jack (1986), Virus (1997), Yu Yu Hakusho (1992)
Музыка: The Mad Capsule Market - No Food, Drink or Smoking (2001)

When Anime Wasn't About Schoolgirls

Comments: 27 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: Enigmo

RC: Cells 31.10.2019

6 место на Japan Expo 2017

Комментарий автора: Kon'nichiwa c'est iKuZze, voila mon clip pour cette Japan Expo 2017 !
Cela à été compliqué pour moi de sortir un clip du fait que je voulait vraiment faire un truc lourd, j'ai abandonné de nombreux projet et j'ai eu une petit coup de mou ou j'ai pas clipper pendant 2, 3 mois. Au final je me suis lancé dans un IC sur Tokyo Ghoul, j'avais toujours eu envie de clipper cette anime avant même qu'il sorte mdrr
A ma grande surprise j'ai fini 6e et j'ai eu énormément de bon retour alors que je ne m'y attendait absolument pas !
Du coups voila

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul
Музыка: Wildways - What you feel

RC: Cells

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: iKuZze

TexnoCircus 17.11.2011

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2011

Комментарий авторов: Наша первая совместная студийная работа, спасибо товарищу Отомо Кацухиро за предоставленнные исходники, приятного просмотра ^_^
P.S. Пока делал клип, пересмотрел исходники. Блин, насколько же Катцухиро крут!) Такого сейчас уже не снимут, к сожалению!

Аниме: Akira, Neo-Tokyo, Robot Carnival, Memories
Музыка: 65daysofstatic - Mountainhead


Comments: 71 |  Rating: 3.393.39

Nevereverland 19.06.2019

По основной ссылке версия для плеера.
Оригинальный файл на зеркале 1.

What do you get when you put together 3 editors with a love for The Promised Neverland and a competition deadline coming up? This video is a passion project that was made for the 2019 edition of AnimeCon. MarikoAMV's wish to make a MMV was finally turned into reality over the course of a month. In this month combined with 2 full weekends of editing, a ton of pizza and tea as the only liquid flowing through our veins.

It's a project from hell: 5 minutes autosave time, 45 minutes render time, 6 excel sheets and a lot more just to get this all done in time.

Storywise we couldn't tell everything the manga has to offer so we put our focus on the escape arc and also trying to show the good sides of Isabella. This was just as much a learning project for both Kagacie and AnimeTwins who were new to After Effects and Photoshop. The live response from the crowd was amazing and we hope you enjoy it as well!

Аниме: Yakusoku no Neverland
Музыка: Nano - Nevereverland
Награды: Animecon 2019 1st Place Editors Choice


Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: MarikoAMV, Kagacie, AnimeTwins (+0)

Seraph on Fire 20.02.2018

Пафосный пересказ Owari no Seraph с неплохим монтажом. Осторожно, куча спойлеров.

Аниме: Owari no Seraph
Музыка: Les Friction - World on fire

Seraph on Fire

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: nicolio1313

Genesis 24.02.2019

I present to you my newest creation with this beautiful combination of music and anime. At the begginning I found this song a great match for the anime so I produced this clip. Special thanks to Sonneiko for the amazing thumbnail he did.

Аниме: Saint Seiya Lost Canvas
Музыка: Starset - It has begun


Comments: 9 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: Spike

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