AMV - Videos


Epic Camping ( )

In 2020 I had the honor to create a secret santa AMV for VideoBeats. After skipping through her favorite anime list I decided to work with Yuru Camp. I think I have only seen very few AMVs with this anime so far, so I wanted to try. The song choice I made was not my first pick. I didn't even consider it. It just happend to run in my spotify playlist while I was setting up the project and I thought "...why not this song?". In the end it turned out better than I expected and I hope VideoBeats is happy with it!

Аниме: Yuru Camp
Музыка: Baltic House Orchestra - Blue Monday

Epic Camping

Epic Camping

Epic Camping

Epic Camping

Epic Camping

Author JadeCharm
Creation date 01.01.2021
Version 0

JadeCharm | 20.01.2021 12:41