AMV - Клипы


Bang Goes the Railgun ( )

One of my recent AMVs, which I really enjoyed making, btw.

I've had this video idea for almost a whole year because the song LITERALLY fits so well with this anime, and I'm glad I finally got it done. It took about a month and a half alone to get this finished, but that was because, at the same time, I was working on my previous "Out of the Water" video, plus 2 others, which are coming very soon, btw! If you're watching this anime, be sure to catch up on the new "Railgun T" season!

I was hoping to have this done before the AnimeNYC AMV contest deadline, but that passed DAYS ago, so, there's always next year.

I would personally like to give a big shoutout and my thanks to Rider4Z, for taking the time to beta test and review this video before I posted it. Be sure to check out her channel when you guys get the chance!

Аниме: A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Railgun S
Музыка: Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj - Bang Bang
Награды: Best Saturday Morning Upbeat at Katsucon 2020, Best Upbeat at Web-Con 2020

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Bang Goes the Railgun

Автор клипа Alexander Umoru
Дата создания 30.10.2019
Номер версии 0

silentherostudios | 13.08.2020 08:59