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生物 Seibutsu ( )

Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef XV: #OCTAGONE

Hello this is my entry for the Soul's Team Iron Chef XV !
I made drama this year because I was running out of inspiration in fun. ( And also for the ultimate 1V1 vs Luna eheh) Finally, the result is a strange but quite interesting edit. I'll let you judge, in the meantime, I'll prepare my return in fun next year! Fortunately I had my crew to support me. MUKAN NO GOSHO ! So it gives that! Have fun!

Аниме: SSSS.Gridman Evangelion
Музыка: Les Friction - World On Fire

生物 Seibutsu

生物 Seibutsu

生物 Seibutsu

生物 Seibutsu

生物 Seibutsu

生物 Seibutsu

Author Hedge
Creation date 06.03.2019
Version 0

HedgeProduction | 12.03.2019 09:18