AMV - Videos


Consternation ( )

xKhouhai's and I's entry for the EtoJe IC 2: Brawl in the Psycho/Horror category.
So we started by trying messing up with a lot of scenes and gone mad to find a meaning to this video, after spending 1 day on planning and another day on editing crap, we finally decided to go for something "psychedelic/horror" that might get you tripping or so. xKhouhai loved me raging every time I have failed to progress 5 frames, and I loved him for not getting annoyed by me, in the end we finally made some gooderino viderino and this is how we spent 3 days on making this "good" video so that you can enjoy getting eye raped, by my flashy colors and his amazing zooms.
More information about footage, and such at 2:06.

Аниме: Kara no Kyoukai, Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Музыка: Black Sun Empire - Eraser

Consternation (feat. xKouhai) [EtoJE IC 2: Brawl]

Consternation (feat. xKouhai) [EtoJE IC 2: Brawl]

Consternation (feat. xKouhai) [EtoJE IC 2: Brawl]

Consternation (feat. xKouhai) [EtoJE IC 2: Brawl]

Consternation (feat. xKouhai) [EtoJE IC 2: Brawl]

Consternation (feat. xKouhai) [EtoJE IC 2: Brawl]

Consternation (feat. xKouhai) [EtoJE IC 2: Brawl]

Author Siwz4r, xKhouhai
Creation date 15.07.2018
Version 0

Siwz4r | 23.07.2018 22:46