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We Two (������ ��� ������)

Комментарий автора: I heard a friend of mine was watching this anime and cried within the first minute of the first episode. So I was like "Oh I gotta let her have it"
It didn't help that Pidge kept bugging me while I was making this video and nuzzling me and purring the whole time. There would be moments where I was fine one minute then suddenly crying the next because of her. Thanks gato ;P
Anyway, it was fun giving this and many many, MANY people the feels. Enjoy! :D

Аниме: Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
Музыка: Caliko Kat - Good Company (Piano Cover)
Награды: Best In Show Audience Choice на Nan Desu Kan 2017

We Two

We Two

We Two

We Two

We Two

We Two

Author Moonpie
Creation date 02.09.2017
Version 0

Minstrel | 13.09.2017 07:18