AMV - Videos

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Holding On To You. (������ ��� ������)

A story told from Slaine's perspective, I didn't like the ending of the anime, so I tried to modify it a bit in my work. I hope the ending part of this amv is not too subtle, plus noise filter might seem messed up when re-compressed into low bit rate version. And as always, any comment or advice are most welcomed.
Cheers, happy holidays.

Аниме: Aldnoah.Zero
Музыка: Crywolf&Emalyn - Intro, Hiroyuki Sawano - A-z-p1@n0_5overs

Holding On To You.

Holding On To You.

Holding On To You.

Holding On To You.

Holding On To You.

Author MapleMAD
Creation date 22.12.2016
Version 0

MapleMAD | 26.12.2016 23:54