AMV - Videos


House of Hearts ( )

"From Up on Poppy Hill" is probably my favorite Studio Ghibli film. I'm not saying this as a contrarian. Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and most of the others are incredible films! But I love the setting and characters of Poppy Hill way too much. And the group dynamic is just adorable. It's not a perfect film but like i said it is my favorite Ghibli.

I got the idea to this AMV three months ago on a Taxi ride with the song was playing on the radio. Until then Poppy Hill seemed too much of a task to translate into AMV. The story is not that easy to adapt because it's partly romance but strangely restricted by some weird coincidences that I can't really explain here. However, the cool kids/underdog angle to the story was what finally convinced me to do the AMV.

Of all the ideas i already had, this one seemed to be the most fitting for Big Contest. The name derives from the TV series House of Cards. It's meant to reflect on the club house that is central to the story as well as the romance parts.

I hope you'll enjoy the AMV and check out the film.

Аниме: From Up on Poppy Hill
Музыка: Echosmith - Cool Kids

House of Hearts

House of Hearts

House of Hearts

House of Hearts

Author Cenit
Creation date 29.03.2016
Version 0

Cenit | 02.04.2016 09:19