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Shoujo for Breakfast ( )

Комментарий автора: POE Semifinals. For the "identity crisis" theme I ended making a romantic comedy with Hibike Euphonium.. If you've seen it, you know it's not a romance. I twisted it to seem like the mc has a huge crush on a girl and awkwardly tries to talk to her while implying that many other girls are crushing on each other as well, all this on top of the usual highschool awkwardness. Also, note the symbolism lol.

Аниме: Hibike! Euphonium
Музыка: Supertramp - Breakfast In America

Shoujo for Breakfast

Shoujo for Breakfast

Shoujo for Breakfast

Shoujo for Breakfast

Shoujo for Breakfast

Shoujo for Breakfast

Shoujo for Breakfast

Author UnluckyArtist
Creation date 30.08.2015
Version 0

Pushok | 16.11.2015 08:55