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Ветеран-клипмейкер Koopiskeva возвращается к AMV и представляет достаточно новый для жанра прием: кукольную анимацию.

Выдержка из комментария автора: Welp, it seems I'm back into it. O:
I started this around November 2014 (actually I had a different video idea a month prior), and it has been quite a journey with this one. Fun fact - my daughter Mae was not even born yet when I started this. How things change. :P
In 2014, I was getting back into watching anime and had joined the Quickening contest to shake off some editing rust. I quite enjoyed the process again, so I wanted to make a full video on my own once more. I saw this show called 'Baka and Test' (which seems pretty underused actually), and loved it. I wanted to make a quick and fun video (sounds familiar...). My wife Grace had always been listening to k-pop so I've been pretty bombarded by it for many years now. I asked to see if she could find me a fun song to edit with. Watching the Youtube show 'EatYourKimchi,' she found this song for me called Telepathy by Girl's Day. I was pretty excited to start my video with it. As I started the prepwork for editing, I decided to listen to other Girl's Day songs just for background music..... and then Female President came on. I was hooked.
So, a crazy idea came into my head to recreate the actual dance version of the music video...  

Аниме: Baka And Test - Summon The Beasts, Baka And Test - Summon The Beasts 2, Baka To Test To Shoukanjuu: Matsuri, Original Animation
Музыка: Girl's Day - Female President

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Author Koopiskeva
Creation date 27.09.2015
Version 0

Minstrel | 28.09.2015 10:09