AMV - Клипы

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Untamable Love (������ ��� ������)

Esdeath x Tatsumi AMV. I really love this couple, and I wanted to make something for them. I worked really hard on this video. I have recently started using After Effects and I have learned so much to make my videos even better. A lot of this stuff is still new to me in After Effects. But I do hope that everyone enjoys this. I did try to create scenarios of esdeath and tatsumi. I know those aren't the greatest effects I did, But I wanted to try. BTW ESDEATH FTW<33333

Аниме: Akame Ga Kill
Музыка: Breaking Benjamin - Without You

Untamable Love

Untamable Love

Untamable Love

Untamable Love

Untamable Love

Untamable Love

Автор клипа GodFire91
Дата создания 24.12.2014

GodFire91 | 01.01.2015 22:09