AMV - Videos

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Frame of Mind (������ ��� ������)

After watching Nagi no Asakura i came up with an idea to make an AMV for big contest. The anime itself was really amazing one of the best animes i ever watched. I followed the story of the anime to a certain point. And after managed to put my own twist on it. I focus on the emotions and the feeelings of the anime to create a fitting atmothere.

Аниме: Nagi no Asukara (TV)
Музыка: Zircon - Identity Sequence - No Regret (ft. Chris Gordon), Zircon - Identity Sequence - Just Hold On (ft. Jillian Aversa)

Frame of Mind

Frame of Mind

Frame of Mind

Frame of Mind

Frame of Mind

Frame of Mind


Author EvilSpiritAmv
Creation date 13.05.2014

EvilSpiritAmvs | 07.06.2014 09:28