AMV - Videos

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Eyo, hold up. The judges at Akross gave this 2/10? And the viewers gave it 4/10? Really? Now let me tell me you how this idiocy came to be. Do you know what kids on Akross were saying? They were saying this had no sync........WOT M8? NO SYNC? R U KIDDING ME? I hit 99% of the beats yo. I hit the beats, I hit the piano keys, I hit the guitar riffs......whoa.....I mean in the beginning, look at the Goku scene, even the lightning is synced to the music. I mean come on.....You guys think I argue with you for no reason? Look at the stupidity I see though. How can I not argue with it?

And then, there were people saying there's no meaning to it, it's just random scenes..........hold up. Nostromo -Running Man, shit got a high score. Let me explain the similarity between this and Running Man. Running Man's concept was the guy from Zetsubou Sensei or whatever running around, but lol over 80% of the AMV are scenes of random anime girls dancing :| So how can you say my AMV is bad because of that reason? In my vid, there are the 4 main scenes that appear consistently throughout the AMV as they are the 4 main factors of my video, and within that, I have filler scenes, like Nostromo. I'm not saying you have to say the AMV is good, but if you're gonna say you dislike it, at least dislike it for the right reasons.

That was me addressing the retardation behind the criticism of this AMV. But now, let me go onto telling you why this is a good AMV. 1. It successfully represents the song. It should be understood that music videos are to represent the music in video form. The music is quite clearly action-oriented, and at some points emotional/sentimental, and this AMV shows that. 2. The flow is on point. I can't really explain--you just either have the perception and intuition to tell if it's got good flow, or you don't. 3. So much sync, yet doesn't feel "oversynced". I synced this with 99% of the music, yet at the same time it all feels so natural and unintentional. For example, go and watch Ileia's pretty cure AMV--that AMV is amazing imo but at the same time, all of the sync you see looks intentional and unnatural. You see? I don't have to do that. I can make my clips sync with anything I want and make it all look like a coincidence. There are more reasons, but I'm sure you get the picture by now...this is a good video and a lot of you are idiots.

And for those of you who think it takes no skill to get clips from animes and sync them to a song...........LOL well buddy, why don't you try and back that up by trying to recreate this AMV? If you need help with the episode numbers etc I can give you that info. But trust me, when you look at magazines, all of the pictures are edited and the goal of the editor was to make it look unedited. Trust me, the same goes here, in this intelligently edited AMV. I did quite a bit of editing, but the end result looks quite unedited.

I don't even watch AMVs yet I have godlike knowledge on it. Das Enigmo 4 u.

Аниме: Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Naruto, Naruto Shippuuden, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Hunter x Hunter (2011), 11 Eyes, Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door, The End of Evangelion
Музыка: Kenji Yamamoto - Hatred At Two Power (Enigmo Remix)








Author Enigmo
Creation date 03.01.2014

Enigmo | 01.05.2014 10:23