AMV - Клипы


Just another love story ( )

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2012    

Hi everyone. Though I'm kinda new in making AMV, I decided to participate in the AC 2012. I know I don't have the editing level yet, but I wanted to get some experience from this. That's one small step for mankind, a giant leap for me hueheuheue hahaha
The AMV explains a little story: Tomoya starts dating with Ryou, but after passing some time with her he realizes that the person he truly loves is Tomoyo. He confesses to her his love, but Tomoyo gets angry because he's still Ryou's boyfriend and she feels like he's playing with Ryou and her. Then, Tomoya decides to break up with Ryou and do the things the right way. Feel free to comment, critique, leave suggestions, etc, etc, whatever you want.

Аниме: CLANNAD Tomoyo Chapter, CLANNAD Kyou Chapter
Музыка: Trading Yesterday-Shattered

Just another love story

Just another love story

Just another love story

Just another love story

Just another love story

Just another love story


Автор клипа Fenx
Дата создания 04.11.2012

FenxFX | 22.01.2013 23:40