AMV - Клипы

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Aevum (������ ��� ������)

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2012  

Комментарий автора: Well I wanted to try something new and different and thought dubstep would be a good idea (it's not). My original concept was to have Saber as some kind of hero who could go back in time and reverse events but I found out that 90% of the scenes I wanted were all imaginary scenes formed in my head and didn't actually exist. So that idea went down the drain and instead I just decided to focus on synching.
I first started this project in July meant for NDK but the initial betas were so horrible I lost all will to edit it. So I'd like to say a huge thank you to Kain for convincing me it's not a pile of crap and encouraging me to try and finish it. There are still some elements I want to add but I really don't want to look at this project anymore. And while it's not what I originally aimed for, I'm pretty satisfied with the result so please enjoy.
For those curious, Aevum means "passage of time" in latin. (Can also be referred to as age, life.)

Аниме: Fate/Zero
Музыка: Vexare - The Clockmaker








Автор клипа AimoAio
Дата создания 21.12.2012

Turbo | 01.01.2013 11:23