AMV - Клипы


Illusory Fate ( )

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Комментарий автора: Some time in 2001, a friend suggested this music/anime pairing for a video. I was not exactly filled with joi de vivre at the time, so I was drawn to the idea of doing an X video. Initially, I thought it would just take me a few days and so, foolishly, I decided to take it on I think my first mistake might have been that I started by doing the ending. It practically made itself. Then I did the beginning. A week later I managed to dump something into, of all places, the dead middle. Then began several months of trying to fill in the gaps. Many, many ideas were thrown at this video. In the end I didn't stick to any particular idea and I just sort of took the best efforts of all of them and strung them together. Where that failed, I broke out the metaphorical hammer.

Anyhow, once the previewers thought the video was ready and I was about to export the final version, I suddenly discovered that my computer was quite messed up and that there was no way I'd be able to get a proper export done without overhauling it. Once I got it fixed up, it took another six months before I finally stopped being lazy and got back to this video. I don't know any more. Watch it. Make up your own mind.

Аниме: X 1999 (Movie)
Музыка: Wumpscut - Wreath of Barbs

Illusory Fate

Illusory Fate

Illusory Fate

Illusory Fate

Illusory Fate

Illusory Fate

Разрешение: 328х174
Видео кодек: AVC
Аудио кодек: AAC
Длительность: 5mn 22s

Автор клипа Damaramu
Дата создания 01.08.2002

Эль-тян | 29.04.2011 07:42