AMV - Videos


Night Land ( )

Yo mina,

I always loved Soul Eater for its maleficient side. I hope I managed to create a kind of dark fantasy atmosphere beside battle phases. I think that I could have pushed my idea even further in showing this side of Soul Eater...

According to me, this anime has a big potential for creating kind of "dark" action amvs or horror/action amv, call it the way you want. That's why I may do even better in the future through a second edition of this clip using a music that would match even more with that. :D

See ya ! o/

Аниме: Soul Eater
Музыка: Varien - Lilith

Night Land

Night Land

Night Land

Night Land

Night Land

Night Land

Night Land

Author Woяthy
Creation date 04.04.2020
Version 0

Woяthy | 10.04.2020 19:33