AMV - Videos

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ParaBellum (������ ��� ������)

Hey yo! That's the vid I enjoyed the most doing and I honestly think it's also my masterpiece (for the moment). The plot itself made me trully involved while making it and I filled it with all my passion and love for details. I don't know if you're going to share this thought but i'm trully satisfied with it and if I can ask you something is to take a moment to focus on what's done here, because this is probably a vid that if you want to appreciate to his fullest you have to watch it with a critical eye more than once ( Then you can always say: Dafaq u're saying, that's bullshit, and I'll still love you after that ^^). This is also my last vid as an RP member, I'm sad about that but I think that when something is broken you have to move forward and that's what we did, I still wish them all the best and I hope we'll stay in contact, with a different type of relationship.

Notes: Even if I didn't respect a cronological order for all the facts because my intention was to show the major facts happened, all battles reported in the vid are real and they had an importan role in WW2, in particular the Stalingrad battle was one of the first and biggest defeat of Germany. If you have any questions i'll be glad to answer, hope you guys like it ^^

Картинка Making Of (~3.76 MB)

Аниме: Violet Evergarden, Youjo Senki, Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, Shumatsu no Izetta, Original Animation
Музыка: Ursine Vulpine - Ishimura, Greg Dombrowski - Redemption, Hitler's Voice, Sound Effects
Награды: 1st StoryTelling ToS 2019








Author Kroner -AMV-
Creation date 09.09.2019
Version 0

Kroner -AMV- | 10.09.2019 11:15