AMV - Videos


Silent Wanders ( )

Hello, this is my entry for Algeria IC in the Drama/Romance category.
This amv is personally important to me, describes what happened to me I really feel related to it.
I hope you will like it anyway.

Картинка Making Of (~4.32 MB)

Аниме: 3-gatsu no lion, Clannad, Ano hana, Say I love you, 5 cm per second, Your name, Your lie in april, Eden, Ef-tale of melodies
Музыка: ALIUS - Nobody Can Hear You feat. Ariela

Silent Wanders

Silent Wanders

Silent Wanders

Silent Wanders

Silent Wanders

Silent Wanders

Silent Wanders

Author dynamoamvx
Creation date 24.07.2019
Version 0

dynamoamvx | 25.07.2019 07:31