
Best video commentators

Position in rating Author Number of comments Usefulness rating* Процент положительных комментариев Последний комментарий
961H1tori64 70.81 ---09.03.2011
962maksvelXaos64 253.14 47.76 %01.06.2012
963proGg64 221.77 33.33 %06.09.2008
964Rin_sama64 267.89 24.06 %29.03.2012
965marmalade64 256.56 60.00 %24.11.2013
966ZetZu64 101.94 ---06.12.2011
967Happycat64 137.94 47.64 %15.02.2013
968exliky63 432.30 55.56 %30.07.2013
969(=Zi=)63 294.19 ---09.12.2015
970Bosaia63 389.14 ---12.04.2009
971GantZii63 90.57 52.76 %12.03.2013
972olle63 167.27 64.29 %07.03.2015
973COMAN63 233.17 75.00 %07.01.2015
974CHERRYp63 528.84 ---12.11.2013
975SP@UN63 403.44 ---10.10.2009
976tomik63 721.00 82.73 %05.01.2021
977Guard63 76.51 18.18 %11.02.2010
978Luminali63 972.84 29.67 %21.02.2012
979Riorin63 185.63 65.85 %21.11.2015
980Nagisa63 285.02 42.11 %28.02.2014
981Yoichi63 188.40 56.76 %11.05.2011
982Eleonor63 199.21 33.93 %31.05.2013
9831NGIBITOR63 443.30 100.00 %26.04.2017
984Rolly63 160.16 ---27.05.2009
985Juta-RO62 206.63 ---25.05.2009
986Tery_McKinley62 195.11 58.21 %08.06.2014
987ASProject62 275.03 42.11 %15.12.2011
988Voni62 218.79 82.14 %22.10.2011
989Чиаки62 14.92 56.52 %13.07.2021
990_SONY_62 51.69 76.92 %07.05.2017

Total number of comments: 380921

* Usefulness rating - average number of chars in comments excluding smiles.

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