
Best video commentators

Position in rating Author Number of comments Usefulness rating* Процент положительных комментариев Последний комментарий
1921S!nner28 619.07 85.71 %10.12.2010
1922SoN^GokU28 94.93 ---27.08.2011
1923Ve1heor28 208.46 74.29 %26.05.2018
1924MewMew28 99.71 ---23.03.2011
1925HeartBreaker28 53.07 76.47 %17.11.2014
1926SunShine2428 368.07 ---11.10.2010
1927Alllina28 201.07 77.55 %07.06.2015
1928manu chao28 2161.18 67.24 %16.09.2014
1929Richie Peachy28 80.50 ---13.06.2012
1930Mioke28 199.71 58.62 %24.10.2014
1931POHUH28 156.93 ---09.11.2014
1932MIROTIC28 218.93 45.24 %10.04.2012
1933Riddick28 666.50 ---02.07.2011
1934LightAMV28 67.54 74.19 %22.10.2021
1935ThinkAboutFuture28 182.86 36.29 %26.05.2018
1936The Doctor28 46.07 66.67 %31.07.2013
1937Aawa428 661.75 ---20.09.2011
1938deidara1328 176.32 46.67 %11.09.2014
1939Mr.Nyashward28 89.43 63.27 %06.06.2012
1940Суна28 437.36 ---27.03.2010
1941Alga28 120.14 57.14 %15.08.2011
1942Alexiukas28 209.43 ---04.05.2011
1943Pause28 243.43 ---11.06.2009
1944BlackMaster28 85.29 ---10.07.2010
1945Svol28 350.32 ---25.02.2011
1946amicool28 64.25 ---29.12.2011
1947Katenka Meow28 465.82 46.88 %28.04.2013
1948FleshenTheNight28 111.43 39.13 %10.01.2012
1949maskedpeach28 225.11 ---08.05.2011
1950Sparrow748928 232.07 18.42 %13.07.2016

Total number of comments: 380840

* Usefulness rating - average number of chars in comments excluding smiles.

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