
Последние комментарии orels

Количество комментариев за все время: 29, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 15 (78.95%)
Отрицательные оценки 4 (21.05%)
Количество положительных комментов 7 (24.14%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 2 (6.9%)
1) Sin City orels | (1 | 2) | 13.01.2016 16:10
As stated by Turbo below - some parts stick out too much, I think some parts are too vibrant... the amv could benefit from more washed out colors in those parts. But anyway - editing is solid and the overall style is there.

Great: 4

2) Just Another Kyoukai no Kanata Video orels | (0 | 0) | 13.01.2016 16:08
I really liked that one, I truly did.

The song is great, and it goes well with the source.
But there were some issues. Beat-sync is a bit messed up near the end, feels like author was pretty tired and missed couple of cuts, also, sometimes cuts were unnesessary fast for a particular part of a song.

Anyway, great job, don't really know why you're getting such a low scores. This AMV is pretty "common", but hey, it's still solid and have a simple "soul" to it.

4 from me

Good luck!

3) Terrorism orels | (1 | 0) | 13.01.2016 16:01
Well... the base is good, but there are some major issues.

Subtitles in an AMV look bad, that's just a fact, you'll have to accept it and move on.
Beat-sync is poor at times, which also lowers the overall quality.
That's more of a trailer than an amv, but, welp, it can't be helped.


Good luck!

4) Mindfreak orels | (0 | 0) | 13.01.2016 15:54
Автор может лучше, это видно. Кое-где "лениво" оставлен нечеткий бит-синк, а жаль. В целом очень впечатляюще, но кусок на припеве - основная фишка этого АМВ, и на ее фоне остальное выглядит очень блекло.



5) Easy Go orels | (1 | 0) | 13.01.2016 15:50
Well.. the video can't keep up with the rythm... That's the first thing you need to figure out, then you could move to other parts, such as content of the video itself.

Sadly, 2.

6) Coc@ine orels | (0 | 0) | 09.01.2016 03:19
To get this out of the way: I liked the AMV, it's nicely done, and I liked this cover of the song.

But if we'll dive a bit deeper into the details there is some stuff..

First of all, the transition from b/w to color wasn't really natural, there wasn't a "change" in the song or even the end of the verse, looked a bit weird.

I understand there is no real climax in this version of the song, but amv just ended, like if author got tired of editing and said: "That's enough". No real ending is also working against the AMV.

At the end - lack of cuts and a lot of "glitching" feels like the way to prolong the clip just for the sake of length, it doesn't add to the AMV and feels "empty"

So, in the end, solid work, nice song, good editing, but lack of something special and a proper climax/ending, which is sad.

4 from me

Good luck!

7) Superhero orels | (0 | 0) | 09.01.2016 03:05
Даже не знаю что сказать. Я думаю автор, если пересматривал клип - сам видит проблемы.

Но если все же расписать:
- Трек слишком "слабый" для сорца, нет в нем достаточной динамики
- Монтаж "ленивый" нет подгонки под ритм, а там где есть - размер фрагментов постоянно меняется
- Не стоило делать монтаж на весь трек, если не готов подгонять, 3.23 - это долго, можно было смело обрезать и подольше повозиться с подгонкой.


8) End of Misery orels | (0 | 0) | 06.01.2016 18:31
Well, there is a solid base, but the pacing is absolutely ridiculous.
You shouldn't really change the cut sizes that way.
Like... you have cuts every 2nd music bar, and then you suddenly start doing it every 4th bar without a proper beat sync - that feels odd, and breaks the effect.

Also, the sound quality is really poor, that's also bad.

Anyway: 3. The spine of the amv is there and it's pretty good, the rest is messed up, sadly.

9) Another One orels | (1 | 0) | 06.01.2016 18:26
Well.. sadly I don't speak french good enough to explain my feelings, so I'll go with english.

Montage is good, keeps up with the song nicely and all that.
But I was a bit confused about the amv itself. Sometimes it feels like a story, sometimes it's just a random montage of stuff, sometimes there is text, but then it dissapears and you don't use it afterwards.

Inconsistent. Technical side is good, wish there was more to it than just that.

10) Hunter x Change orels | (0 | 0) | 06.01.2016 18:19
Well... Absolutely overused sources, which is the main problem.

Also, the visual part sometimes is not "powerfull" enough to back up the stronger parts of the song.

The text work is decent enough, but feels a bit shy. You eiher do text, or you don't, don't be shy with it, it will only make it worse.

11) Got Your Six orels | (0 | 0) | 05.01.2016 18:06
Вроде местами неплохо, но с самого начала есть проблемы с выдержкой ритма.

А там где все нарезано как надо - просто скучно.


12) LSD orels | (0 | 0) | 05.01.2016 18:00
При неплохой задумке - не смотрибельно, увы :(
Как бы автор не хотел передать кислотный трип, нужно понимать что ролики будут смотреть люби в нормальном состоянии :)


Good idea, but, sadly, unwatchable :(
I understand the effort to create an acid trip, but your AMV would be viewed by real people, you shouldn't forget about that.

Good luck!

13) Resonance Drift orels | (0 | 0) | 12.01.2014 22:57
Очень динамично. Начало конечно - штамп на штампе, но то что динамика держится на протяжении всего ролика - очень круто. Давно не заходил сюда, так что по доброте душевной - 5 :3
Ну и музычка понравилась.
(Автору пора бросать маньячить с Element 3D ;) )

14) Ultimate Line orels | (0 | 1) | 24.04.2013 20:57
5, Прекрасно =) и по любимому Redline =)

15) iBebop orels | (1 | 0) | 24.06.2012 00:32
Необычно.. Согласен что не совсем в "формате". Но очень понравилось!

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