
Последние комментарии l33tmeatwad

Количество комментариев за все время: 12, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
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Количество положительных комментов 4 (33.33%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 1 (8.33%)
1) Weebstagram l33tmeatwad | (0 | 0) | 06.11.2021 20:41
олух царя небесного написал(а):

Нужно искать человека, который пользовался Инстаграмом... я совершенно не понимаю его интерфейса и жаргонизмов

I understand, my wife had to explain things to me, lol...

2) Weebstagram l33tmeatwad | (0 | 0) | 06.11.2021 18:31
олух царя небесного написал(а):

Nice, thank you! I'll have to get a subtitle track added to YouTube. As for my translation comment, I was actually referring to rendering out with the easter eggs translated (all or just the important stuff like the chat dialog).

3) Weebstagram l33tmeatwad | (1 | 0) | 06.11.2021 17:26
Sorry to anyone that doesn't understand english, this won't make much sense. If anyone can translate and wants it in their language I'm more than happy to render out a copy fully translated, although that would be a lot...

4) Identity Crisis l33tmeatwad | (0 | 0) | 19.09.2014 07:51
@Minstrel: My name is misspelled T_T...and slimed is right, only two members are from PixelBlended Studios

5) Free Willies l33tmeatwad | (0 | 0) | 15.02.2014 19:47
Umm...I'd just like to point out that the entire video was not made as a political piece...the credits were just censored because the original audio in the credits was too vulgar to be posted and the text at the beginning was a joke about having to censor them.

6) Rockin' Layer:00 l33tmeatwad | (0 | 1) | 07.05.2013 19:21
There has been a few comments wondering why I picked this song so I will take a moment to explain. I will agree it's not really a great song and I'm not a huge fan of will.i.am, but the strange unsettling vibe and odd almost off key tune of the song really reminded me of the atmosphere of Lain and was the inspiration for this video. I actually prefer listening to the song when watching this video.

7) Rockin' Layer:00 l33tmeatwad | (1 | 0) | 05.05.2013 23:27
The concept being humorous to me does not mean that it's actually comedy or that there is anything funny about the content. I felt the strange off tone and weirdness of the song matched the strangeness of Lain. I personally found the sources to be ironically fitting, as both do not really represent one another yet flowed well together. I honestly didn't expect anyone to like it, so the positive reactions I have received have been rather surprising to me.

8) PonyNote l33tmeatwad | (0 | 0) | 09.08.2012 23:21
NightPunisher написал(а):
даже страшно представить, что ж там было в других клипах, если это - бест..

It's called crowd pandering, it could have been a terribly done video with the same concept and still won best in show due to the fact that My Little Pony is super popular right now.

9) Mother's Day Special l33tmeatwad | (12 | 3) | 06.08.2012 08:13
To everyone who thinks this is accurate commentary on the morality of those in the west:

10) Mother's Day Special l33tmeatwad | (3 | 1) | 06.08.2012 00:36
I was not expecting the type of reaction to this video upon posting it and I would like to apologize to anyone offended by this video. I was not expecting anyone to take offense to the content of the song/video and hope that you understand that it was never intended to be taken seriously.

11) Sorry for being Hercule, Sincerely Mr. Satan l33tmeatwad | (1 | 1) | 31.05.2012 19:50
Squall(c) написал(а):
So many beta-testers did not have the decency to tell you that this is weak for a contest? It's okay for a festival/amvhell/smth like that, though.
But since it's a full-fledged contest - 3.

It's better to submit than not to at all.

12) Sorry for being Hercule, Sincerely Mr. Satan l33tmeatwad | (1 | 1) | 31.05.2012 19:21
Nihai написал(а):
как будто в обычной монтажке этого всего нельзя сделать

Just because I used the project to explore After Effects does not mean I used or KEPT all the things I played around with ;)

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