
Последние комментарии iMCoach

Количество комментариев за все время: 29, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 40 (76.92%)
Отрицательные оценки 12 (23.08%)
Количество положительных комментов 17 (58.62%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 4 (13.79%)
1) Ascension iMCoach | (1 | 0) | 06.05.2019 00:15
Really ambitious going with an instrumental song that's also a slow pace too. Good job. With a song choice like this there's no place to really hide your flaws and I appreciate that you put so much effort into your piece. Some parts weren't really things I like but overall I think this showed lots of dedication.

2) Love Overdrive iMCoach | (2 | 0) | 30.04.2019 05:04
Take it slow.

3) Last day of memory iMCoach | (2 | 0) | 29.04.2019 01:37
It was very long and some parts felt underwhelming however there were ideas in here I feel like you could push further into something remarkable. :)

4) You Make Me Smile iMCoach | (1 | 0) | 16.04.2019 07:19
saaaaaaaaaaaaah dewd

5) Dark sea theory iMCoach | (1 | 1) | 16.04.2019 06:40
niurvhi943hgh5g9888hh8highghfiuhaif ihfiue wfvchweaiuh iowahfi843y9rty i8afhha4fi87h4ifhaiou7hfo74 fi87ha87f 4hfiou afo f4 4hr8y9rt yi9afyiow8eafhiweahciuh werafu owheaciou wehofiuwe hiufh waieuyhfd fioudsh fiwuhfiwue ahfiu weafiudhs ifuweh cehfi wehiu f

yeah pretty good.

6) Pandora iMCoach | (0 | 0) | 16.04.2019 06:33

7) How Far iMCoach | (3 | 0) | 13.08.2018 20:19
Thank you for posting and sharing my video and thank you guys for the support. Whether you like it or not I'm glad you even gave it a watch and felt strongly enough to either vote or comment on it :)

Thank you Minstrel for posting it and I hope to provide better works in the future :)

8) Keepin' It Simple iMCoach | (0 | 0) | 08.06.2018 10:41
Hope you could appreciate the subtle details of it. :)

9) H.A.N.A. iMCoach | (4 | 2) | 04.06.2018 02:04
One of the more underrated/under discussed videos of the contest.

10) you can (not) realize iMCoach | (2 | 0) | 04.06.2018 02:03
One of my favs of the entries.

11) Как научиться позитивному мышлению за 90 секунд iMCoach | (1 | 0) | 02.06.2018 14:57
Newgrounds video.

12) M Y N iMCoach | (0 | 0) | 01.06.2018 18:52
IdiAlex , :( You're right

13) Палаточки iMCoach | (1 | 0) | 01.06.2018 16:49
It's not the typical comedy but this had me dying smiling from the get go.

14) M Y N iMCoach | (2 | 0) | 01.06.2018 11:06
Pushok I knew you were a good guy.

15) Keepin' It Simple iMCoach | (3 | 0) | 01.06.2018 11:04
To those who left your thoughts whether it be supportive, critical or Iceberg. Thank you for those critique I take things told to me into consideration for every project I begin so regardless of how I do I will return again next year and attempt to improve hopefully either improving in the aspects you felt I may have been lacking or to be able to properly convey things in my editing. Good luck to all other participants now that all other entries videos have been released.

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