
Последние комментарии gta_iv86

Количество комментариев за все время: 30, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 63 (68.48%)
Отрицательные оценки 29 (31.52%)
Количество положительных комментов 20 (66.67%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 6 (20%)
1) The Fall: Friends Forever gta_iv86 | (1 | 2) | 22.11.2016 19:26
S†eelshine, K, better then having no style ;'), Good talking

2) The Fall: Friends Forever gta_iv86 | (2 | 3) | 22.11.2016 18:51

3) Numinous gta_iv86 | (3 | 0) | 18.11.2016 02:23
Don't change

4) tan(x) gta_iv86 | (1 | 0) | 02.06.2016 18:39
= ) Well played lolli... well played.

5) Let's cum together gta_iv86 | (1 | 1) | 28.05.2016 20:57

6) The Distance in Your Eyes gta_iv86 | (3 | 0) | 27.05.2016 23:11
GoЯz called he wants his amv back

7) Flare gta_iv86 | (1 | 0) | 07.05.2016 17:19
Wouldn't say its the most well done amv on earth, BUT i watched twice, the way the anime flows with that mesmerizing music is really nice and a joy to watch. Good job

8) Lost in memories gta_iv86 | (1 | 1) | 06.05.2016 18:56
[Genetix] написал(а):
so old taped lol i rather make some nardo amv than waste my time on something like this lol gl tho u may win with this shit cuz ppl like to watch basicly the same thing over and over again haha :))

GENETIX THE SAVAGE, tbh though i slightly agree good work if you really did this in 10 days good on you, i can appreciate the effort i see within that amount of time, BUT i didnt finish because ive seen it before aka every other amv, Slow meaningful cover of good song CHECK, Crossover CHECK, Drama CHECK, Story CHECK, The list goes on and on but yours at least was done nicely better then most, but as the ole sayin says history repeats itself if we all remember Akross a amv VERY similar won and i wouldnt doubt if this won So congrats on the victory just one tip though dont get a ego from this win try to be original next time ;).

9) Entfernt gta_iv86 | (1 | 0) | 04.05.2016 17:14
-Kisagi-, My issue with this was as i learned a new toy i wanted to try it out and id use it in this, so the effects put into it were very amateur untill the endish, and another thing was my time remaps were sloppy and the expression i was using that linked my timeremaps to a slider was VERY beta shouldnt have used it but its all i knew at the time.Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion
yellowcard, Thank you for the nice comment!

10) Entfernt gta_iv86 | (2 | 0) | 04.05.2016 01:14
Hoshirogi, Thank you for your advice, tbh this was done WHILE i was still learning if you would look at my youtube you can tell i've gotten a tad bit better this was my first though and felt the need to share even though i knew i would get bad comments. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

11) Entfernt gta_iv86 | (3 | 0) | 04.05.2016 00:32
I'm happy to be compared to someone i look up to sir lolligerjoj BUT it wasn't my point so thank you, and secondly i appreciate your opinions, and the 6 months was from the time i installed till i finished that was learning expressions and different things as i went. Thank you again for your opinions.

12) Lorem Ipsum gta_iv86 | (0 | 0) | 04.05.2016 00:20
Your making of, tfw i need to take notes out of your book.

13) Deconstruction Star MEP gta_iv86 | (5 | 1) | 02.05.2016 02:02
So I did something bad now? It's not my problem that you're a sensitive little flower that cannot swallow harsh criticism without trying to use my age as an argument to defend your lousy mep, you can cry all you want, it won't make the video any better ma mang

Hoshirogi написал(а):

reking you as we all saw,

And when did this RekTing happen?

14) Deconstruction Star MEP gta_iv86 | (1 | 1) | 02.05.2016 00:52
SWS, There is only so much rekting these poor people can take.

15) Deconstruction Star MEP gta_iv86 | (4 | 5) | 01.05.2016 19:28
You enter this into the BIGgest contest of the year and expect ppl to suck your dick over it, im not gonna insult you or this piece of work thats making me consider suicide, oh no you wanted constructive criticism So lemme give you some, this amv is so raw its still screaming to die or it could be because the lack of sync, and you can tell the lack of communication between editors on this aswell, very unpleasing to the eye this whole MESS is dont get why you entered this into BC but hey your choice, Now there is some amazing constructive ciritsm on your youtube grade amv. Have a good one!

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