
Последние комментарии Wuyi

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Количество отрицательных комментов 1 (16.67%)
1) Destiny Wuyi | (0 | 1) | 20.05.2018 04:40
I am very like your AMV,This is ingeniously conceived and idea I've never watched,In this work, I see more possibilities of AMV.Of course, the problem of comp can't be ignored.On the whole, good works,Good luck.

2) Rewind Wuyi | (0 | 0) | 10.05.2018 07:21
Lion0608 написал(а):

Cross fades are not that bad, people just critisized the length)
3-4 frames is quiet enough.

CFs are very good with the smooth vocals, but they are not to be overused, as they attract to much attention. Cuts themselves (apart of being cross-faded) should be comfortable in size, direction, light and other fings. Othervise they are to be ajusted.

Using a crossfade does not automatically means that the connected scenes will fits each other well.

OK now I clearly understand,The Cross fades I use is too long, so too much to attract everyone's attention, contrary to the fluency of the clip, Using Cross fades for unmatched scenes will make people's attention shift from the story itself to the clip. The clip should not be noticed.
I will pay more attention to this in my later works.
thank you again.

3) Rewind Wuyi | (1 | 0) | 09.05.2018 17:45
-Kisagi- написал(а):
Hello! For me it was very hard to watch to the end. The sources you have chosen were not bad, but the scene selection and pacing made it uninteresting and can’t even gather any emotions with it. The fades felt too much and very predictable; imo you should have chosen some scenes that aren’t static and let them go on a bit the cut to the next scene in a few places. Using cross fades are nice, but using too much can kill your video and your Audience especially when you know when and where it’s going to happen.

Very thanks for your advices.you mean easy to predictable is bad,is it?I am confused about this.
If the story can be predicted, it is just plain,is this mean?

The fades is really too much,I have understood this from the comments of others ,I will improve it,Proper fades is not bad, right? I think it helps to create some sort of emotion.

4) Rewind Wuyi | (1 | 0) | 08.05.2018 08:31
kebenaj написал(а):
на быстрой части песни очарование рушится, но всё равно это очень интересная склейка с особым ощущением. и трек, который мне не по душе, похоже, работает на общую идею. лайк.

ps. фейды

The fast part of the song?2:45~2:47?Thank you anyway for your Comments.

5) Rewind Wuyi | (1 | 0) | 07.05.2018 18:33
Kroner -AMV- написал(а):
CC means Color Correction.

I've not watched the show, so I don't know if you changed the story or not, but it's the first time I saw this anime used in that way, and it was at least something interesting. Those fades ruined a lot the whole vid honestly, and song didn't fit properly the most "intense" moments of the vid. Song cut was really noticeable and you didn't manage the strong part of the song. Everything is really slow and static and this made it a bit boring, but I really appreciate the idea behind so I think that with some work on your editing skills you can improve a lot, Gl for the contest

From the story level, the story seems to be different from the original, but I think the mood conveyed is the same.Are these Cross Dissolve really so different from songs?I just think that Cross Dissolve can convey more emotions. Thank you very much for your advice.
Lion0608 написал(а):

I think CC here stands for Color Correction

Thank you!Now I know what is cc.

6) Rewind Wuyi | (0 | 0) | 07.05.2018 17:02
Эль-тян написал(а):
00:58 - умора

Dm1try[A] написал(а):
Нормально, но я заскучал.

No exciting point to hold on your watching desire.is it? I am very sorry.But I really can't create a non - Daily atmosphere,It is a ordinary story,I pay more attention to shape the Special mood —— regret, But See your comments, I know, I failed.
HikanAMV написал(а):
(Tell the truth, I'm so nervous.)

-well since u r the serious type I'm gonna be serious with u.
song is bad af, cc meant to be used to improve the quality ur cc made the quality worse
over all I watched only 15s with skipping which means the amv is very boring and not enjoyable at all. any way good luck in the con, may the god be with u and make u ditch ur nerve

I can't understand what is CC?Other problems You can look at my reply to other people,thanks your Comments.

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