
Последние комментарии Shinzui

826) Second Chance Shinzui | (2 | 1) | 16.08.2013 23:01
Not bad, I found this pretty interesting

827) Solaris Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 14.08.2013 11:12
This was pretty interesting

828) Lose My Life Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 13.08.2013 11:00
It was pretty boring. Lacked a lot of things like rhythm, timing, sync, and impacts. The anime mix could have been better as well. Overall, nothing special and I didn't like. From me 2.

829) the Voice of Dream Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 12.08.2013 21:17
It's very nice, but had some tech problems

830) Sacred Light Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 12.08.2013 13:20

831) Welcome To Another Reality Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 12.08.2013 06:31
I have a feeling that not many people know what a psychedelic is

832) A Little Faster Shinzui | (0 | 3) | 11.08.2013 12:43
It was pretty boring. Had too many fades and it lacked proper rhythm

833) Pacuka-Pacuka Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 10.08.2013 21:57
Finally a comedy/fun video an this was pretty entertaining

834) BecauseImBored1 Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 10.08.2013 03:44
Very interesting, but a bit meh

835) Deadman Shinzui | (2 | 2) | 09.08.2013 23:48
d4rk написал(а):

Firstly every beta tester I had for this, said that the scenes there were actaully "SLOW" wtf r u talking about ? go around see more vids and then talk to me, the color was bad? it may have been lil more dark but that was to help make it more horror-ish and your clips doesn't had to be all hardcuts is not messy if you do a fade for a purpose, about the things I agree with you were the overlayer was a bit more sure I could done that better, the text was random, but about the color no not rly I made that colour again to help the mood( did you even heard the song "deadman" ? blood on my hands ? blood - red) now, now I'm not sayin I did PERFECT job but your cleary saying bullshits' btw again every beta tester I show this video liked the colors ^^
Have a nice day, greetings d4rk.

First of all who were your beta testers? Because some that I know would notice these things that I saw. You may have entered the coloring to help the mood, but you placed them in the wrong way and it doesn't really make it look horror-ish as you said. I have heard the song many times and even seen the opening so I'm not wrong in what I'm saying. For the parts that were to slow if you re-watch your video from point to point you will understand in what I'm saying. I'm not saying any bullshit I'm only saying your mistakes.

836) Deadman Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 09.08.2013 10:11
Hmm... I'll say the same thing as I did on the forum.

Okay, in the beginning the way you started it of was okay just felt like something was missing and a few looked problematic. The text you inserted looked pretty bad and didn't stand out pretty well, you should have chosen another font or didn't have any text in there at all. The action part was not bad until you inserted the red coloring all of a sudden and went back to the original color. Doing that ruptured it a bit . Then after that you put an overlay and a gradient to add color. Once you did that you kind of ruined it a little by making it too dark and the overlay stranded out too much, you should have lowered the opacity of it.

When you got to that part another thing that kind of messed it up was that the scenes were too fast for the part. You should have slowed it down around there so things can turn out better. I also have to agree with Kyo with the too many fades thing, messed it up a bit.

For the coloring, if you had magic bullet that would help a bit. Just make sure you know what you are doing with it before rendering.

Overall, it was okay and I dislike it. Some parts were slow and some were too fast. GL on next!

837) No Rest Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 07.08.2013 15:52
Not too bad, but more could have could have contributed in this though.

838) Strange feelings Shinzui | (0 | 1) | 05.08.2013 20:26
Quite interesting with these sources

839) Pushover Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 05.08.2013 09:47
For a video made in 3-4 weeks this could have been much better. The entire video was pretty choppy. Needed some atmosphere in it. You used a lot of static scenes and had some lip flaps in it as well. You definitely need to learn how to use text better and when to use it and when not to. The anime mix could have been better rather than having it look like a mep/collab look.

Though in the end I found it quite interesting since its something I haven't really seen before. Overall I didn't like, needs lots of improvements.

GL on your next!

840) Momentu Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 02.08.2013 23:24
I'm not sure on how is this a psychedelic, but ok

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