
Последние комментарии Shinzui

721) Young and Beautiful Shinzui | (0 | 1) | 02.02.2014 13:45
I was not touched . The scene selection was not right and had no emotion.Then when the music picked up it was......... Then by it being random didn't help either.

From me, 2. Good luck on next!

722) Silently Falling Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 02.02.2014 10:05
This was really slow and the song is faster, needs better pacing. I recommend that you spend more time on your videos because it enables you to do more and easier to catch your mistakes.

Try improving on pacing & scene selection. As of this video, it needed sync and it was lagging.

Hope you improve in the future and good luck! From me, 2

723) Look into my eyes Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 02.02.2014 10:00
Needs a better story, timing, and scene selection

Overall, I found it a little boring. More things could have been added

724) The Yuri-ning Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 27.01.2014 08:40
Oh this

725) Airwave Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 15.01.2014 11:26
Very nice and well executed

726) Cherish Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 15.01.2014 11:24
so sweet

727) wish Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 06.01.2014 08:40
quite beautiful & sad

728) The Optimists Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 02.01.2014 16:54
Really great and finally something different with this anime

729) Ishvalan Eviction Notice Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 02.01.2014 16:53
This is really good

730) Broken Canary Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 26.12.2013 16:06
Oh? Wow

731) Not Just A Dream Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 25.12.2013 04:07
Ah, I really don't like all of the videos with this band, but this particular one keeps me watching.

732) Bad Dog Shinzui | (1 | 1) | 23.12.2013 07:10

733) Drive Out Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 23.12.2013 07:03
Probably the best I've seen with this anime
Darksss 73 написал(а):
А ведь всё сделано технично, как со стороны синхры ,так и в подаче АДмосферы.
Всё-бы не чего, если-бы не-вебенных размеров текст, который периодический всплывает в клипе.
Это тоже самое, что смотреть экшен фильм, с большими субтитрами по середине экрана .
Автор сам-же испохабил ,свое-же творение, обидно... ,ведь музяка да и подбор кадров ,вполне хорош ,что-ж 4.

I think the editor wanted to look like a real music video with the same thing he had as a reference which is most likely why the text was like that

734) Circus Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 18.12.2013 12:49
It's pretty well done. Though the editor concentrated on too much pan/crops.

735) Cycle Shinzui | (0 | 1) | 18.12.2013 06:05

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