
Последние комментарии Shinzui

1021) One Last Breath Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 16.04.2013 08:17
Surprisingly such low ratings...

1022) Madoka im Wunderland Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 16.04.2013 08:14
I liked it

Felt like a hording was going on and everything was in the right place! 5

1023) For the Win Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 16.04.2013 06:59
Hikado95 написал(а):
555555555555555555555555555555555 !!!


1024) For the Win Shinzui | (0 | 1) | 16.04.2013 04:48
Hmm... How am I not surprised of people voting 5 on the video even though it does not quite look understandable.

Yes this is the editor's first time trying something like this and this is supposed to be a trailer not some regular random action and I find this confusing is it not?

1025) Girls And Tanks Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 16.04.2013 04:42
Oh my eyes hurt in sorrow with this frameblending

I like it, it's nice and all probably the best one I've seen with this anime, but because of some aspects I will have to vote 3 & against.

1026) Dejection Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 16.04.2013 03:04
it's not bad... Keep at it!

1027) For the Win Shinzui | (0 | 1) | 15.04.2013 03:00
Oh not bad Digicat! It seems like you were able to do something that I failed at two years ago.

Anyway, since it's something I like and a good choice you did let me be a bit hard on you ...

I like that you started off like a digital video game. Though in the beginning I liked the flow, but at 0:26 it looked like he was pressing something and when it opens up it automatically cuts off and ruptures the flow for me. That just gets me wondering, "What was it for?" "Was it just to confuse people?" or the editor simply said "Keep your ass watching, that's not all I can do."? Well you pretty much had a nice start, but that just confused me a little, just wanted to point that out.

When the tempo began to get much stronger I began wondering what was the purpose of this or did you want it to look cool with a type of digital style? This was pretty interesting when I saw the starburst stream, I then asked, "what's that?".

As coming to a complete finish I then realize that that it was just showing all of the heroic adventures of Kirito wants to do anything to win.

I love your concept , but there were certain places that I found confusing and didn't like. Therefore from me it will actually be a 4, but I'll say 3.
I can put this in Japanese if you want, but I'll just leave it like this and Good Luck for the con & Future Works .

1028) One Last Breath Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 14.04.2013 12:05
Oh nice entry Bill Ein

I think a lot of editors these days needs to be reminded that they don't have to keep using the new anime and can use old ones as well .

To me it's well synced, has a nice song, and good flow why not give it a 5?

1029) Never mind the panzer Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 13.04.2013 11:11
I was quite interested until after watching up to 1 min.

1030) Digital Hell Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 13.04.2013 09:45
very nice, confusing at first, but after watching one minute of it I then got it! A very nice one indeed. 4

1031) Blessed Memories Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 13.04.2013 09:04
not bad, but sort of boring. 2 and against

1032) Bitch Angels Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 12.04.2013 08:55

1033) ykt AMV Con 2010 trailer Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 11.04.2013 23:12
oh this

1034) Rideback Girl Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 11.04.2013 10:01
I'd say once again that it's nice

1035) Bear The Pain - Stage 1 Shinzui | (2 | 0) | 11.04.2013 10:00
not bad

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