
Last comments Shinzui

1156) 001 restored Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 23.02.2013 19:16
This is really nice

1157) Kuzo to the Sky Shinzui | (6 | 4) | 23.02.2013 09:31
Dark_Death wrote:
typical rising production video here...starts off in the evaluation...studio and friends vote for it to be on main....studio and friends rank it as 5 when its not even worth 5, very average mep

just abuse of the system

I don't think anyone does that, just because it is your own studio or friends doesn't mean that they put 5 and vote for "For" on all of their videos.

You should check the other videos from this studio and see what they are.

1158) FACTION Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 23.02.2013 05:57
Very cool, something that was made in 2010 and it turned out nicely

1159) If I Ever Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 22.02.2013 08:28
not bad, pretty interesting

1160) Kuzo to the Sky Shinzui | (8 | 0) | 22.02.2013 03:27
Cool it's on here

1161) Trespasser Shinzui | (0 | 1) | 21.02.2013 08:40
Nice , this was very amusing

1162) K - BulletProof Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 21.02.2013 07:03
It was too predictable . Also try to build up on the tension instead of having it come out all of a sudden (that just looks weird). There needs to be a sort of theme or story to this because it was just random. So for now until you improve on things I'll say -3 and against.

1163) Stop The Clocks Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 20.02.2013 10:33

1164) Milk It Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 19.02.2013 09:16
I remember this

1165) Our Pain Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 19.02.2013 08:57
Quite an overused music source, but I liked the video

1166) Everything Falls Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 18.02.2013 07:29
hmm, not bad. Though, the sense of feeling was a bit light and hard to get into it a bit, but I understand the concept. This is nicely done so I'll give this a 3.

1167) Perfect Day Shinzui | (1 | 2) | 17.02.2013 16:01
kebenaj, As you see there were constant changes at times with with the black bars and not.

Anyway, the sync, timing, and thrill in this video really needs to be improved. Also the concept was kind of eh, just seemed random in a few parts. Therefore, I'll give this 2.

1168) Perfect Day Shinzui | (1 | 10) | 17.02.2013 12:33

1169) Sperar Shinzui | (1 | 1) | 17.02.2013 09:43
very nice

1170) Ashes of the Coming Dawn Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 17.02.2013 00:43
not bad

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