
Последние комментарии Oro$hi

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1) Yesterday's Gone Oro$hi | (0 | 0) | 02.05.2011 23:28
thanks all for your comments, so glad you like it =)

kyle_m написал(а):
черт круто. а в конце он начал стрелять с крыши по прохожим и вызвали ментов поэтому

unfortunately it was a suicide! he think he was responsible for her murder, he was so desperate, so mad at himself, it was dark, so he... :(

2) Redona Oro$hi | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2010 10:54
for this, i'm terribly sorry, i forget to list some animes Mirkosp told me that too :
i added the rest but i didn't found Atarashi Sekai in the list, i sent a request to the a-m-v.org but they didn't answer me yet :( i'm waiting, and thanks ^^

3) Redona Oro$hi | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2010 09:41
Sorry for the late, if you have any question, tell me here =)

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