
Last comments Mystyk

16) Empty Mystyk | (1 | 0) | 09.04.2013 21:20
1:12 - best scene :D dat chicken :D
btw, it's a very nice video, nice use of effects, they fit the story, they make sense, even though I didn't download this, so I cannot tell for sure, but the audio quality at the chorus part sounded as if it was worse (maybe the original file was like that), but overall very nice video Mike (Y)

17) Into The Labyrinth Mystyk | (1 | 3) | 24.03.2013 14:50
It was pretty nice, I liked the first half, but after a while the video gets boring, and it actually doesn't have any story behind, you are just bascially using scenes and make them pretty, in the beginning those scenes were pretty good, and it caught the atmosphere of the song, however after a while nothing happened, the guys just kepts bleeding and whatever, and the title doesn't really have any connection to the video beside it being the title of the song. Also, in the second half you used the same effect over and over, and I didn't like how you used the scene at 1:59 so many times. Overall very good job on the technical part, it's a pretty nice video, but random.

18) Stop The Clocks Mystyk | (0 | 0) | 18.03.2013 21:21
Gorzy! very nice work! techincally it's really nice, it has a story, but tbh I was bored while I was watching it :P

19) Harmonic Fall Mystyk | (1 | 0) | 12.03.2013 18:39
very nice Eake, I liked how the video got fast! but to be honest I didn't like some of the scenes mainly because they are overused, and I don't know the point of this weird resolution :P

20) Shoot Me! Mystyk | (0 | 0) | 28.02.2013 14:33
Katie! I loved this, very nice work, really enyojable, though it was really random tbh :P but the editing was very nice, I also liked the effects and transition, good job! 4/5

21) Take This Moment Mystyk | (0 | 0) | 10.10.2012 18:12
this was quite good, I liked the scene selection, however I think the video was too slow at the chorus part, you could have put more beat sync, and the part from about 1:26 could have been more dramatic, I mean you could have used some more fitting scenes instead of those happy singing dancing scenes, but nice work anyway 4/5

22) Rear Window Animation Mystyk | (2 | 0) | 01.09.2012 19:24
omg so boring :/ and one scene for the whole "AMV"???? are you kidding me? (I couldn't even watch this till the end), and I can hardly see the characters from the anime :/

23) Escape to Wonderland Mystyk | (1 | 0) | 10.06.2012 23:33
it was really boring for ME, and this story, she just disappeared then ran from place to place, then I thought the tiger killed her but it seems like it didn't, then she was alive, and harmed, what harmed it? or was it the tiger? lol...and then a town? wtf...and she was missing but no one eventually looked for her as I could see, it was boring to watch so many environmental scenes, though it's just my opinion, some people might enjoy this or find it relaxing, as for editing I think the black fades (or whatever it was), too short, and sudden, so they were kind of ugly.....not really my type of vid, not a bad idea though but the video overall could have been better

24) Metamorphose Mystyk | (4 | 2) | 10.06.2012 23:12
well interesting, the intro was annoying though, btu anyway, I think sometimes the animes didn't blend well with Ao No Excorcist, for example about 0:44 (ano hana), I could hardly notice that the guy was walking there, and actually, until the first chorus part the video didn't really make sense? it was just pretty scenes, and the girl dancing or turning around, after that the story was a bit messed up, I mean as if she was killed 2 times, once when she stopped the fighting boys, and once when she was raped and killed (?) so wtf? and 1 minute long credits? unnecessary I think, and sometimes the text disappeared faster then the text that came afterwards, what's the point of that? but even beside these, it's a nice video, and nice colouring. oh and I also don't understand the title, is it because she turned into an angel or what?

25) In Terminis Mystyk | (0 | 0) | 07.06.2012 12:37
interesting concept, nice AMV, but at about 4:00 it was noticeable that you repeated the scene :P but even beside that very nice job 5/5

26) History of a fighter Mystyk | (0 | 0) | 04.06.2012 22:57
самолет - случайный
песня вырезать - уродливый
смешной - 1:23

27) History of a fighter Mystyk | (0 | 0) | 04.06.2012 18:45
the part with the airplanes seems random, and the song cut was bad, but I lold at 1:23. 3/5

28) Start Again Mystyk | (2 | 4) | 30.05.2012 21:02
very good! not random, nice editing, nice effects, the scenes matched the lyrics, very good job! 5/5

29) I'm not like the others Mystyk | (1 | 1) | 30.05.2012 16:49
wtf is this length? bad song cut, the beginning wasn't random, but then it became random, and slow scenes when the music is fast 2/5

30) Good Feeling Mystyk | (1 | 1) | 27.05.2012 19:54
good idea but it is too slow 3/5

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