
Последние комментарии MrNosec

151) Figment MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 30.11.2015 01:56
Maniaki написал(а):
is this a thing now? lolligerjoj-ism?

Not that I know of.
I agree I'm indeed missing the most important thing in an AMV, being different and original, for the long learning process this took I based myself entirely on lolligerjoj's 3 AMVs, and ended up creating something too similar for my first AMV.

Thank you for watching and for your honest input.

152) Tribute to Hayao Miyazaki MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 26.11.2015 20:55
This is not only a great achievement in artistic endeavour but also technically jaw dropping in every way.
Without a doubt one of the best AMVs on News or any other website.

153) Human? MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 20.11.2015 13:11
Loved it! This is strangely addicting and relaxing, wish it was way longer, great music and great use of little effects that added to the video instead of being a distraction, one of my favorite AMV's lately!

154) Figment MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 22.10.2015 01:38
[ZHAN] написал(а):
Жаль синхры нету

Please excuse me if the translator got it wrong but would you kindly point out exactly where the video has " no sync "?

I hope I don't come off as sarcastic or disrespecful, I would gladly acknowladge any editing mistake and learn from it if you would simply point it out for me.

155) Figment MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 26.09.2015 22:42
I've been getting alot of questions and requests for me to explain how I use twixtor to get 60fps anime, so I'll post this comment here for anyone that might want to know.
Warning! Using Twixtor REALLY limits you in your scene selection, always look for scenes that don't change much between 2 different "redrawn" frames, fast action or badly animated scenes usually look warpy as hell when interpolated, wich can be fixed.. somewhat, but that involves masking to guide twixtor, wich is explained here:


Now.. ( this is horrible by text I swear so much easier to explain irl my apolagies ) I'll try to explain the basics so you get a better understanding of how this all works. In order for twixtor to work, the footage you're going to use must have NO repeated frames, so twixtor tries to mimic what it would look like between the previous and the next frame, never getting stuck and creating a fluid motion.
Here's a little video tutorial I made for you, be sure to pause to read the text, sometimes it goes away too fast, please do pm me if you have any trouble!

Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h0I1y1IEuk

156) Figment MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 18.09.2015 05:12
Ashiya Shiro написал(а):

Спасибо! Рад, что вы пользовались.

157) Figment MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 13.09.2015 14:23
rapter1511 написал(а):
Это точно клип не на 5, но автор вроде бы старался и 3 ставить не хочется. 4 только из уважению к труду и потраченному времени.

Спасибо! :)

158) Figment MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 11.09.2015 21:38
Andrew-sama написал(а):
60 fps -ная дробилка. Выглядит противно. Чисто из уважения за труды - 4-

Even if I could barely understand anything because I don't understand russian and translator doesn't help that much, thank you for your honesty and for rating!

Даже если бы я мог едва понять что-либо, потому что я не понимаю русский и переводчик не поможет, что много, спасибо вам за вашу честность и рейтинг!

Извините за мой русский, я использовал переводчик

159) Resonance MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 10.09.2015 21:22
Love it, simply great.

160) Figment MrNosec | (1 | 1) | 10.09.2015 18:18
-Kisagi- написал(а):
Not my cup of tea. Although it looks cool, but that's all it is

Thank you for your input on it, after all AMVs are made for entertainment, some might watch and say it looks cool, others may dislike and bash on it, and I do realize this video isn't for everyone.
Lapskaus написал(а):
I like how you stay all nice and friendly even though you get rather harsh critics and even some bashing. You're a good guy, please stay this way :>

Told you in the AMV.org forums what most people will say, but now you get to experience it first hand ;D

I can't say I didn't expect hate and " lolligerjoj wannabe " comments from the start such comments are well deserved because the video is indeed similar.

But it was something I always wanted to do, I loved doing it, and I can't say I'm not glad some people seem to enjoy it aswell ;)

Thank you for the honesty instead of mindless bashing, you're a good guy in my book aswell, stay awesome!

161) Figment MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 10.09.2015 02:43
lolligerjoj написал(а):
Not a bad video by itself, and technically quite impressing. I personally do not enjoy the music too much though. I am quite optimistic about your own future ideas and look forward to them.

Thank you kindly for dropping by lolligerjoj!
Really gratefull for the support and I eagerly await your next masterpiece!

Xophilarus написал(а):
Gonna do a follow up comment on my previous one, my opinion on the video remains the same, BUT I do think you can definitely make some cool stuff in the future. The editing in the video is pretty nicely done, it is just the idea is not really yours, which you recognize. I am excited for amvs you make in the future that are of your own ideas and such because I could see you making some really cool things. Especially since you seem to show desire to make original content in the future xP.

I highly value your take on this and thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think about my video, about me as an editor and also for seeing potential in me, looking foward to the future aswell
Stay awesome!

162) Figment MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 10.09.2015 00:57
Eazy написал(а):
That is not true. The AMV Community is all about circlejerking. Will be much It harder to get honest opinions when you are known.
About your video, it's quite sad to see someone put so much effort into a copycat. (I like it tho). I just hope you do not get discouraged and make an original video with the same ammount of effort next time. I am totally looking forward to that.

I am indeed missing the most important thing in an AMV, being different and original, for the long learning process this took I based myself entirely on lolligerjoj's 3 AMVs because they were something I was and am fascinated about, nothing really came close to grasping my attention and admiration like his work did, wich, as a result, I ended up creating something too similar, hurting the final result of my own video.
I'm really glad you like it nontheless , and I surely won't get discouraged, I expected hate and " lolligerjoj wannabe " comments from the start, but I credited lolligerjoj in my videos description, he even commented on the video and asked for download links, I did this out of love for his work rather than wanting to take credit for his efforts.

thank you for the kind words!

163) Figment MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 09.09.2015 22:14
Changelling написал(а):
Similarities between videos is almost never ignored, and it takes a lot points away because of lack of originality. But if I was to ignore the similarities with Lolligerjoj's videos I'd say this was a nice video and I liked it a lot, but when I miss it I will probably re-watch ITL instead.

Thank you for the kind words, glad you enjoyed my first attempt at making an AMV.
lokkiclu написал(а):
Very similar to Into the Labyrinth as far as idea and effects go, but I give you props for putting in the effort to make it 60fps

Thank you, I agree my inspiration source is more than obvious and it ended up hurting the final result of my video, but this being my first attempt at making an AMV I still have alot to learn.
ThalesEditions написал(а):
Originality question In, this is bad, so bad, cause lolli style and labyrinth scenes are here, obviously appear be a rip.
But only, to ONLY ONLY, in twixtor technique he exceeded the labyrinth. Has potential in He this point ^^
MrNosec, the critical comments are essential to you see where you missed and then you come to do a amv with original style futurely yourself. Do not been necessary a horror, psychedelic or something. There are a lot of categories and you can use any of it. That you create Since something original, mainly if it go to a AMV CONTEST!
So here come my critical:
-As a lot of people already said, the synchronism in some parts are out of ritm, mainly in RGB Split begin on .
The pattern synchronism of video lost it several times essence.
-There are visual pollution in video, the great part of amv. The RGB Split after middle time, has no mildness, and with a big amount too. If you repared in labyrinth, lolli applied it with a high speed, mildness and with a small amount of it. To not disturb Just the viewer.
There are a lot of distortion in same time too. Could have a better rate in effects if you had invested each effects for one synchronism type. Have a better Could organization.
-The Edition is too low. "Part of Envagelion, Part of Monogatari ...". Would taken a It better selection of scene, if you had related some scenes between animes.
-Audio, For me when you put the "slay it", the mood was broken, without any mildness :(
So..there are a lot of and I know critical that people from all world could say it to you and then you will better as time and training.
But never give up, looks to that as something that you have to do to grow up as AMVMaker. Take my 4. And I wait for more videos from you ^^

For the long learning process this took I based myself entirely on lolligerjoj's 3 AMVs because they were something I was and am fascinated about, nothing really came close to grasping my attention and admiration like his work did, wich, as a result, I ended up creating something too similar, hurting the final result of my own video. I highly value your take on this and thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think and basically review this video and my work, keep up the good work!
NakkiD написал(а):
author as I am a fan of lolligerjoj
I understand .. but the video is a clear rip-off on the work lolligerjoj, all from the staff and ending with music, even the style of the same ..

I agree with everything you just said, I am pretty new at making AMVs and I admit lolligerjoj was the main reason I started editing AMVs at all, thank you :)
Turbo написал(а):
Не смотря на то что хотелось увидеть что-то в стиле Into The Labyrinth ещё раз. Данная попытка слишком вторична: много похожих, а иногда и тех же сцен взятых из того же аниме, визуально выглядит почти один в один за небольшими исключениями и даже часть с поворотами лиц есть, музыка того же стиля. При всем этом клип уступает оригиналу и по монтажке: провалы в синхре - отсутствие явной последовательности происходящего, что в некотором виде было в оригинале.

Что могло бы сделать клип лучше? Мне кажется достаточно было исключить все что касается Gatari или как минимум полностью выкинуть сцены, которые использовались в лабиринте. В таком виде клип уже где-то на грани плагиата.

I am indeed missing the most important thing in an AMV, being different and original, for the long learning process this took I based myself entirely on lolligerjoj's 3 AMVs because they were something I was and am fascinated about, nothing really came close to grasping my attention and admiration like his work did, wich, as a result, I ended up creating something too similar, hurting the final result of my own video. I did this for fun and out of love for his work rather than wanting to take credit for his efforts.
Thank you for your honest opinion :)
dayton написал(а):
Into the Trash Bin.

Отличное название, ибо повторяет вторичность вторичного исполнителя вторичным видеорядом, вторичной цк, да даже .bin это бинарные файлы, вон как много смысла. Задумайтесь о будущем, о вашем мозге, вы все вторичные от ваших родителей, вы всего-лишь биомусор!111

Нет, ну а че, как назовешь корабль, туда его и загонит судьба.

Thank you for your honest input, and I am indeed missing the most important thing in an AMV, being different and original, for the long learning process this took I based myself entirely on lolligerjoj's 3 AMVs, and ended up creating something to similar.
XhimeAMVs написал(а):
omg this is totally amazing 5/5 for you man

So glad you enjoyed!
Thank you and stay awesome!

164) Figment MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 09.09.2015 21:39
1nfringer написал(а):
1:45 - 2:20 - just perfect!
Plagiarism is not a rip-off - made quality, the effects perfectly matched, kept on track with Pyaterochka, so I do not regret a great score!

Thank you very much for the opinion :)
It's hard getting a honest, unbiased opinion when no one here knows you.

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