
Последние комментарии MrNosec

106) Ghost Audition MrNosec | (3 | 2) | 24.04.2016 13:06
Artofeel, the video might not be as groundbreaking original as his previous work, but it's an amazing emotional roller coaster and well worthy of the author's name in the credits.

It's pretty obvious that lolligerjoj has no need to impress anyone at this point, not his fans by doing something similar to what they enjoyed previously and not you by doing something you might find original, everyone already knows what he's capable of doing and since he doesn't owe us anything, he will continue making whatever he wants.

107) Fortress Illusion MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2016 15:14
Aoimina and Lion0608, this has been happening throughout this whole contest,

FOOLS: http://i.imgur.com/WjW2Ap3.png

Eyes on Fire: http://i.imgur.com/gzPsagN.png

Sharingan: http://i.imgur.com/KdqoO4Z.jpg

the authors simply use the preset render settings or don't have the knowladge to propperly render a video in it's original framerate and turn off resample, if there's no motion interpolation involved or increase in playback speed, rendering in a higher framerate than the orignal just intensifes the typical anime stuttery nature of having frame duplicates.

Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly fine if you continue doing what you're doing, not my videos anyway

108) Fortress Illusion MrNosec | (1 | 4) | 22.04.2016 04:44
Weestwoood, rendering 23,976fps footage in 29fps gives bad results, as you can see from the screenshots on my comment or the video itself, not to mention the smart resample being on, what part of it did you not understand? Simply trying to aid the author.
Genetix', simply trying to help the author in render basics, if the source is 23,976fps why render at 29fps?

109) Fortress Illusion MrNosec | (0 | 2) | 21.04.2016 21:48
Nice effort and pleasant song but, cmon.


Please render in 23,976fps and disable resample next video, I'm sure you will tell the difference.

110) Ghost Audition MrNosec | (11 | 0) | 20.04.2016 21:56
mwDeus, wow so mad over a video, if you despise it this much I can only imagine the masterpiece you must have in store for us this Big Contest... right?

111) Ghost Audition MrNosec | (3 | 3) | 20.04.2016 19:07
Beautiful, and as always a distinct technical accomplishment, as a standalone video it's surely mesmerizing, even when compared to your previous works.

But GEHIRNSTURMEN remains your best video, it gives the full display of your trademark twisted artistic view, but most of all, it's because it felt absolutely free and unrestricted of unnecessary rules making it both a stunningly orchestrated nightmare, and at the same time the most beautiful video I've ever seen, I know I might be alone on this and maybe my taste is just shit, but those are the lasting feelings I was left with after watching.

I would wish you luck in the contest, but we both know you don't need any.


112) Annoying fascination MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 19.04.2016 17:42
leolide Gone Wild

113) What are words MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 18.04.2016 17:18
Humans don't usually open and close their mouth at lightning speed when singing in falsetto like in 0:48 or 3:04, that's produced by the vibration of the ligamentous edges of the vocal cords. Some scenes look rather silly but nice try nontheless.

114) Sharingan MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 17.04.2016 01:10
Genetix', he won't show, he's already waiting for his first place prize funds to arrive in the mail

115) Sharingan MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 16.04.2016 17:49
TritioAFB, the "artistic" killed me

116) Sharingan MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 16.04.2016 06:10
Needs more shake, I can still recognize some of the scenes.
If you can add S_Shake or whatever that was, you could at least try to learn how to render in 23.976fps and disable resample or this happens through the whole video, and it's an eye sore beyond measure, not even going to mention the horizontally stretched broken aspect ratio.


Stealing clips from MrAuditore96 was also a very nice touch I'm sure the judges will dig that.

117) PAPI MrNosec | (7 | 1) | 11.04.2016 12:12
This video saved BC.

118) Catastrophe MrNosec | (3 | 1) | 10.04.2016 07:27
You know it's a great Studio when it looks like the whole video was made by the same person, particularly impressive with such technical prowess in the mix. Best of luck!

119) Eyes on Fire MrNosec | (4 | 0) | 06.04.2016 18:40
Try doing Shōjo Tsubaki with Céline Dion - My Heart Will Go On next.
But render in 23,976 fps if you please.


120) Prejudices MrNosec | (6 | 0) | 06.04.2016 00:48
Artifacts are a huge issue here, the scene selection didn't have Twixtor in mind at all so the warping is beyond noticeable, maybe the use of masks and mattes could have lessened that considerably, but by looking at most scenes I don't think this video benefited from the use of motion interpolation at all, not to mention you didn't delete the repeated frames on most scenes so it stutters all over the place


Would recommend reading the twixtor manual in order to fully grasp the concept of interpolation and how to fix it


Nonetheless great effort, hope to see more and better from you.

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