
Последние комментарии MatthewRoy

16) Conflict MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 02.07.2016 19:14
Z0rek написал(а):
ANIME music video news

scroll up, look to the left

you see that GMV thing between all the video categories? I wonder what that means

17) The best Of You MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 22.06.2016 02:05

18) Red World MatthewRoy | (12 | 0) | 19.06.2016 01:17
given how much inspiration you took from Pandora, I can only think of this as a training video where you tried your best to emulate a different style

From a visual point of view I liked the effort (with some moments better than others), from a narrative point of view I thought it was all over the place. Pandora gets increasingly darker, this just doesn't have the same consistency

Plus it's lacking a good scene selection. Notice how Pandora gives you the idea of seduction while keeping it always classy and elegant, some of the scenes in your video just seemed out of place.

but as I said, imitating can be a good way to test yourself. You show potential, next time bring us something a bit more personal :)

19) Quentin MatthewRoy | (1 | 1) | 30.05.2016 17:51
one of the videos that I go back and rewatch reguarly

wouldn't mind seeing more from the author in the future :)

20) Swivel MatthewRoy | (1 | 0) | 26.05.2016 19:49
good song => good video

but you did a good job with syncing and with scene selection. The start of the video and the "swivel" section were the strongest parts imho

21) Frozen Heart MatthewRoy | (5 | 0) | 21.05.2016 14:40
good video
Now I feel like I have to watch the source

22) Vermilion-Purple MatthewRoy | (2 | 0) | 21.05.2016 14:36
I gave it a rewatch, for some reason the first time I watched this it was harder (more than it actually is) to follow the video. I thought my pc was acting up.. and maybe that was the case.

It has some up and downs in quality of sync and effects. The last part seems to me less polished than the first one (maybe you were also running out of time)
You did a good job putting those original series scenes in there without making them too noticeable. I mean there is like almost 20 years of time between original Eva and Rebuild, so it's nice to see a video that puts everything together.
I liked the children/angel presentation parts, the connection between the song and the source/video and last the ending scene was good and impactful (similar to your other video Exodus).
Just wish the last minute or so was a bit less flashy/confusing (even though flashy and unsettling stuff at the end is like one of eva's trademarks)

23) Oasis MatthewRoy | (7 | 1) | 12.05.2016 19:46
I liked this
it has some flaws (ending too abrupt, the rhythm doesn't change enough when the first chorus comes which makes the whole thing a bit repetitive). But it also has a good atmosphere and I get a nice artsy vibe from it

one thing that I don't understand is why authors have this tendency of talking at length in the description about the deep and philosophical meaning that their videos are supposed to have. Maybe I'm just too superficial and that's why I don't get it, but to me it sounds a bit pretentious.
I don't question that you guys can make something really toughtful and impressive not just from a visual point of view (as some videos have done before). But I think it's better if you just let the video talk for itself

24) Dreams & Reality MatthewRoy | (2 | 1) | 26.04.2016 20:45
lolligerjoj написал(а):

The greatest problem for me though is that the visual content is all over the place.

I see what you mean, but I don't really find this visual inconsistency out of place either

what I mean is, his works were as inconsistent as shown in this video. You could take scenes/episodes from Paprika/Paranoia Agent that if you weren't familiar with it you would hardly believe they belonged to the same film/series.
it probably doesn't work well in general for an amv, but for a tribute it seems fitting that the whole thing is as crazy and non-linear as the sources (or at least the ones that I watched)

25) Silkworm Song MatthewRoy | (4 | 0) | 24.04.2016 19:31
looks like there is a spot on connection between the song and the video, at least that's what I get from the subs

The theme of the song is well represented and is pretty much a perfect fit with the anime, the existence of a frail "thread of life" (one of the oldest tropes, it goes back to mythology). This is shown both in the song and in the video (at the end) which shows a good attention to detail. Also the other correlated theme is the fact that "time goes by fast" which is well represented by the cherry blossoms, the seasons changing.

So one criticism that could be done is that the source is overused. I don't agree with this.
I watched most of the "famous" videos done with this source, a lot of them get the romance part of it right, very few of them got or focused on the more dramatic side of it as well as this video.

For now this is my favourite video of the contest, i hope you get a good result

26) Sakura Album MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 24.04.2016 15:05
author написал(а):
I'm afraid most of yours don't understand the meaning of "TRUE LOVE"


by the way the video is cool
I didn't really like the double suicide theme that you went with. But you showed potential in the way you edited scenes, keep improving

27) Ghost Audition MatthewRoy | (3 | 2) | 24.04.2016 14:52
MrNosec написал(а):
Artofeel, the video might not be as groundbreaking original as his previous work, but it's an amazing emotional roller coaster and well worthy of the author's name in the credits.

It's pretty obvious that lolligerjoj has no need to impress anyone at this point, not his fans by doing something similar to what they enjoyed previously and not you by doing something you might find original, everyone already knows what he's capable of doing and since he doesn't owe us anything, he will continue making whatever he wants.

are you his official spokesman...?

I enjoyed the video, but I don't see anything wrong in asking for something different either

28) Yuri Station MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 17.04.2016 22:14
Weeb Station

29) Secret Drawing MatthewRoy | (2 | 0) | 14.04.2016 14:15
it's not the kind of video I enjoy the most, but you can see the amount of work put in this and I have to say I'm impressed with the way you improved year after year. Keep it up and maybe try something different than sentimental stuff for the next big project

as for the hunt for secrets part, I didn't really understand the point of it

if there is actually a secret message to find out, it seems weird that you would tell us what to find in the first place.. usually you give a few hints (or no hints) and if you do well people connect the dots by themselves. Unless it's like a game where we have to find stuff for the sake of it?

30) Life | Passion | Ideas MatthewRoy | (1 | 0) | 29.03.2016 06:40
the first part of the video shows effort in trying to chain clips with similar imagines or movement which is good
the second part just feels really out of place for me

also the moment where you cut the song shouldn't be so easy to notice

MrNosec написал(а):
I don't see the point as to why people are even bringing it up

My guess is the fact that this has a few scenes in common with Auriga. Not that I agree with it, just saying

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