
Последние комментарии Leegf

16) She's The Blade Leegf | (0 | 0) | 14.05.2017 10:31
Ни плохого не скажешь, ни хорошего. Для фанов, скорее.
Согласен касаемо нижележащих претензий к отыгрышу.

17) Team Leegf | (0 | 0) | 14.05.2017 09:39
For Spartak and home kill you all.

История очень сложно прослеживается, если вообще прослеживается.
В целом как-то скучно.

18) Dusk Leegf | (1 | 0) | 14.05.2017 09:30
Великолепно, пробирает даже.

19) True Colors Leegf | (0 | 0) | 13.05.2017 12:26
Воу, оказывается-таки, по этим убогим аниме-адаптациям можно сделать что-то эдакое.
Круто. Понравилось.

20) The path of heroes Leegf | (1 | 0) | 13.05.2017 12:11
Рандом, идею сложно проследить.
Но рандом, который смотрится и сочетается с музыкой хорошо.

21) Верни любовь Leegf | (1 | 0) | 13.05.2017 12:00
Нарезать 2-3 серии и впихнуть это в 60-фпс клип с такой-то песней -
как-то несерьёзно, кхем.
Хотя мне понравилось, когда они начали орать на море. Это было здорово :).

22) Where'd you go... Leegf | (1 | 0) | 13.05.2017 00:34
b3ko1722 написал(а):

Oh, I see. My bad. I like to play around with the sound sometimes, and I never really dedicated much time to make any of my amvs. I made this one in two days, since I was in a tight schedules, so I wasn't very careful overall, I admit ^^' TY for the advice once again, I'll make sure I dedicate enough time to my next AMV! :)

Well, it wasn't for nothing. But yeah, it can be improved in many ways.
Good luck then, be sure to be attentive for details next time. I'll be waiting your next work.

23) I AM BACK Leegf | (1 | 0) | 13.05.2017 00:25
Слишком медленно.

24) The Mark on the Wall Leegf | (0 | 0) | 13.05.2017 00:09
It's very beautiful. Not flawless but still I've enjoyed it hella lot.
I've been thinking about it and still can't figure it out. Why is there a snail indeed? Should I read Virginia Woolf's work to understand that right?

25) The End is NEAR Leegf | (0 | 0) | 12.05.2017 23:48
Я конечно ни черта не понял, но это было неплохо, да.

26) Digression Leegf | (1 | 0) | 12.05.2017 23:28
It's kinda vague in the way of delaying the idea you've written in description. Or it seemed so to me. The end is abrupt and questionable.
Technically, it's cool, I guess.

27) Salvation and revenge Leegf | (0 | 4) | 12.05.2017 19:52
It's quite pleasant to watch. There is no lots of good action amvs with Fate. As a fact, I can only recall few ones. This one goes to a category with "good" label.

28) Where'd you go... Leegf | (1 | 0) | 12.05.2017 18:40
b3ko1722 написал(а):

Ty very much for the feedback! :) I didn't know that about the mouths, I think the one where she says "somedays I feel like shit" was pretty "cute"xD

You're welcome :)
Actually, that one wasn't bad. And that's why I've written you should avoid it when it's unnecessary. When you're trying to achieve some kind of effect on purpose it's okay. In this case, it's called "lip sync". There are a lot of clips which use lip sync. It's complicated effect to achieve in fact. Among lately examples I can recall Red Queen

29) Where'd you go... Leegf | (1 | 0) | 12.05.2017 10:00
Technically it's not great. Sure thing, it has flaws. For example, try to avoid scenes when characters open their mouths when it's unnecessary. It's considered to be a bad tone in amv-community.
However, I liked your work.

30) Dennshou Leegf | (0 | 0) | 12.05.2017 09:46
In terms of "Dennshou" amv, how you called it, it's all right.
Ending was abrupt.

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