
Последние комментарии HonyxOtaku1

16) Succubus HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 01.05.2019 13:00
Ahhh the best! Why i am always not home when some good stuff came!

17) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 1) | 01.05.2019 10:56
iLyes написал(а):
you'r amv is amazing my fav part is from 1:34 to 1:42 well done
i give you 5 keep it up
also plz dont read the useless russian comments they are salty af

thanks ha ha i know that they are salty xD always ^^ makes me happy that you like it a bit :D your vid is really nice too
Kroner -AMV- написал(а):
miso, this is probably going to be my last message on this topic an probably the last message to both of you. First of all, I’ don’t even care about being a good editor, and I don’t care if people think it or not. I like what I do and I like to share it, that’s all. I will always give my opinion on something saying mostly what I think it can be improved before what I like, because progress come from critics, so where I think something can be improved, I’ll say it. You don’t want to follow my tips? Trust me....I’ll still be ok, I’m not doing because I’m some kind of god, but because I want to help people, what they chose is not my business neither I care. You can call me whatever you want, I don’t care. You’re Probably dumb if you think that it bother me to see another ruelle video for real, I’m the first one who picked an overused song just because I had an inspiration with it. Ofc it will be better to use something different, but it was a joke, your choice to laugh or not, but I also explained....maybe you should read, as you probably should read the whole comments a bit better, but that’s another story. Keep hiding behind your “I like this way”. My purpose was just to help, probably in a way you don’t like it but you know....” I like this way” cit.
You can be the best at doing something and still learn from the newest, just need to ask yourself “why he’s saying it to me? Is he right? Is he wrong? What can I do to make it better?” No, you already reached your best and you can pick only the critics you want, and I’m the one who should calm his ego? Have fun dude, I’m thxful to every “shit” I received since my first vid and I disliked every empty “amazing”, and I’ll never ever regret that.

I never ask for a comment from you lol and i think it is always a taste - 2 amvs i like from you the other ones not - because it is my taste. So then i ask you - you think you help peoples ? With a comment like, why ruelle - why the forest - take better clips lol - I think i understand your comment with that - but you never ask me - maybe i like the scene selction like that because i tried really much - i tried the end - tired to use other scenes and the whole amv but i dont wanted to take the other stuff when the white-haired boy ! xD is dead (he is not but yea) and what is wrong when i like to use a forest with tv s. ? I take negative comments and watch it then and ask me the same - would be a other scene better for me ? I do that when i read the comment from you - and i would say no because i tried all other stuff - it was not easie because in the anime it is nothing like BOOM! what fits to the song - and i think it is not like miso or i dont read the comments - but maybe you write it a bit wrong - and i read it like that - from radical dreamer i read the comment and i think i understand it really right - she hates my amv xD and she didnt wrote back like - noooo that is a joke!

I know that my amv is not amazing, i know it get boring when i watch it full till minute 1:50 but i tried my best - and the comment dont help - helpfull comments are like from MrNosec - he write really good comment - but anyway - thanky for watching - but i dont need comments like this - it helps not - god i know my english

18) Mental Breakdown HonyxOtaku1 | (2 | 1) | 01.05.2019 10:38
i would only use no fight scenes when he started to sing but i really like the style :D
And man i know this was really much work, i see many zooms
Nice work :)

19) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 23:53
miso написал(а):
it´s really sad to see in which direction these dialogues go ... I must grin but also shake my head.
Only for this reason I write that.
In some facts "okhostok" and "Kroner" have right...but I also understand your reaction.

1. .. wth !? what are you trying to influence ... it does not matter which song she takes. just because she is still a beginner(but one with potential), you think you can write such a pointless thing. You could also write that you should ban monogatari series, but would be a pity.

2. Kroners statement: "..it's easier to use good clips for scene selection" .. really? we all know what you meant by that ... ok at least you corrected yourself afterwards with "matching clips".

3. since you also mentioned me here (apparently I'm impressing you) ... so you compels me to enlighten you again? like I said, it's not about getting great compliments ... but .., dude, you're doing one wrong .. maybe you will not notice, it´s just my feel ... you're coming over as a know-it-all ... one of the likes of negative criticized (to represent a bad one) but can´t plug in any criticism (which I've heard from others) ... and above all trying as for example to represent me at Akross as something that is not the case. no go! then do not bother to write a comment under my amv. do not want you to get a heart attack; )
an advice for you: Do you want to be a "good editor" ... then act accordingly and mature, and look how you articulate yourself. I've been an editor since 2009 ... and so far not a single one of the "well-known editors" has been as disrespectful as you, not always but in part. a little more humiliation does not hurt. Peace

Basically, this work is quite solid ... but yes, it's true .. it has few flaws and expandable and the overlays could be better left out . But it was still nice to look at. Stay tuned and keep going.

Thanks to the words, makes me happy :) really happy.

I understand all the comments with negative things and and and but i think it is so wrong only to write: it is bad, i would never do that but yea the `best` amv editors do that ;)

My amv is not the best i know that, since i make it that it get boring at minute 1:50 but i wanted to do it in this way, i would not take the other stuff from the anime because i liked it in this way more with the forest? XD ha ha and the boy was sing with a girl voice xD but it is really sad to say something like the scene selection is not good i am to 100% right that i like it in this way, i tried it with much scene and this was for me the best, but yea how ever some peoples will not understand this.

Thanks for the help :)
JoeBlack2027 написал(а):
came for the video, stayed for the comments amarite bois


20) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 22:58
okhostok написал(а):

Viel glück und schone deine nerven...

Nerven aus stahl ;) you too thanks

21) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 22:49
RadicalDreamer написал(а):

Give this gentleman 2 cups of tea. You so damn right.

Плохо искал ;)

As for the video.
It was painful to watch that the scene at 0:04 was not tracked. Such opportunities should not be missed, so i was ready for the worst and kinda biased from the beginning. But damn, i wasnt ready for this scene selection. You just cut some scenes with sad/surprised/angry faces of kids and that woman and then, you synch it to the fast part of the music. I agree that lyrics from the song kinda fits well, yea, but this lyrics can fit almost any title, so this is totally not worth editing song.
P.S. 1:19 I had the same face, when i saw this shockwave behind scaled down with lower opacity layer. It was scary. Really. Please dont do that again.

Thanks for the critic: i like the scene what i used because i like the faces what they do and i still think it fits.
Lol and i will do that again xD
RadicalDreamer написал(а):

P.S. 1:19 I had the same face, when i saw this shockwave behind scaled down with lower opacity layer. It was scary. Really. Please dont do that again.

And i am happy xD that you had the same face ;)

22) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 20:43
MesoGear написал(а):
Sisters' fight for the throne 0:37

xD ohh i think i understand it now thanks ^^ lol

23) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 20:34
MesoGear написал(а):
фонарей нету, низачет

i understand no lights - down - i think it is better that i dont understand it xD

24) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 20:31
Kroner -AMV- написал(а):
I honestly gave up, if you think I’m here to be an asshole there’s no reason to continue, it’s not the first time it happens with you or miso. You only want to hear “great video!!!”, and hiding behind “I like it this way so I’m not going to hear anyone opinion”. Well, this isn’t a good behavior for me but I guess it’s pointless to continue. Enjoy your editing, good luck with everything

Kroner -AMV- написал(а):
I honestly gave up, if you think I’m here to be an asshole there’s no reason to continue, it’s not the first time it happens with you or miso. You only want to hear “great video!!!”, and hiding behind “I like it this way so I’m not going to hear anyone opinion”. Well, this isn’t a good behavior for me but I guess it’s pointless to continue. Enjoy your editing, good luck with everything

oh wow boy you are so funny ^^ always when i read a comment from you i laught i never say you are a asshole xD
`ZeRO написал(а):
Сколько видел амв под єтот трек и никто не обыграл момент на 1.45 нормально)
Посмотрел без напряга, но вот странные моменты портят работу. Видел мангу кстати, нужно будет исходник глянуть, приглянулся.

i dont understand all ^^ translator is not the best - but i will read the manga ^^ - i dont had time yet for it but i will :D i love neverland - i hope i understand this right lol

25) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 19:16
okhostok написал(а):
HonyxOtaku1, well. The best thing is to continue what you like to do. If you do not like negative comments, just ignore it. If you like making AMVs like this, just continue to make such kind of AMVs. There is nothing wrong about it. I just like criticizing and I will also continue.

Yust do it !

26) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 19:09
okhostok написал(а):
HonyxOtaku1, OK, first of all, I did not intend to ruin your mood. I know it is hard to hear something bad about your video, but I tried to be honest.

That looks strange to be honest. And not in a good way.

I know, my AMVs are not good. I did not even said that I am an average editor. But, I will do my best to improve.
Sorry, I prefer receiving negative criticisms for my vids than just "I like it, haha" comments.

You do,


I always write to amvs what i really like - what i like and what i dont like - to amvs what are be ok for me it is intressting OR your ´I LIKE IT,HA HA´ and to amvs what i dont like nothing - because i dont see work in amvs like - random 100anime scenes with nothing special - everyone has a other taste - at this webside you must only go with after effects - 100animes or with cut only - you win something -

oh man my english is so cruel D ;
Kroner -AMV- написал(а):

Jokes.....never heard about that?

sure that was the first what you thought when you started to watch my amv - negative since the start when you watched it - JOKE ;)

27) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 19:00
Kroner -AMV- написал(а):
HonyxOtaku1, I didn’t say pick only the good ones, but pick the ones that fit the song, the mood of the song/ plot or whatever you want, but pick clips that have sense. A Black Forest starci background isn’t a good choice if you want to cover 3 fast beats in a row, no matter how many effects you add.Do not think you’re being bullied or something like that, mine are just tips that you can accept or not, I’m pretending I’m right. Just don’t take it personal or think you’re superior to this kind of critics because no one is.

i dont think i am bullied or something, i only say - i took that clips what i took - because I know i like them - maybe i like the forest i feel in that song that the scene fit with it ha ha oh man it sounds so weird xD

- it starts with - Pls ban ruelle from amvs - hell no what is wrong xD

What ever

28) Existence HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 5) | 30.04.2019 18:48
Kroner -AMV- написал(а):
Pls ban ruelle from amvs.

Sorry but the video isn’t that good for me, before the drop was actually cool and everything was ok but then it lacks dynamism and scene selection is really random for me. Following the beats only with effects work when the scene behind at least fit the pace, here we have scenes of a forest with tv simulator on. My suggestion is to work more on scene selection, everything is easier if you pick good clips. Good luck ;)

so it is my first ruelle amv ^^ so tja unlucky xD but i like that song and i like that anime ^^ , i think i took good scene, i know that i am not the best amv maker but i know i always search long for the scene and it is really sad when i read something like this - pick good clips = pick clips like only the good ones - to take only the best clips from a anime it is really sad
okhostok написал(а):
I think it is better to lip sync with proper characters. Voices do not match with the person you chose, i.e. the person who you chose logically cannot perform such voice.
Did not like camera movement and shakes. They are a bit monotonous and disturbing.
You chose long scenes and mainly from 1st episode, this is also not good. Dynamics is lacking in my opinion.
Scaling black borders and current color correction only degrades the quality of the AMV.
Next AMV with this track, I will call cliche.

Tja i like it more that why, how does the anime character feel at that time and it would look like he was singing it, not like ohh a woman sing that song ! A female charakter must sing it!

Yea i love it to take scenes what are only from 1 anime :O or maybe only from the 1 episode xD

When i would comment your video you would read - nothing = nothing - i see in your amvs nothing special and i saw the most from your amvs

When you only give negative criticism then let it lol
okhostok написал(а):
I think it is better to lip sync with proper characters. Voices do not match with the person you chose, i.e. the person who you chose logically cannot perform such voice.
Did not like camera movement and shakes. They are a bit monotonous and disturbing.
You chose long scenes and mainly from 1st episode, this is also not good. Dynamics is lacking in my opinion.
Scaling black borders and current color correction only degrades the quality of the AMV.
Next AMV with this track, I will call cliche.

and yea the shakes you are right but i like them ;) xD

29) MAD FACE HonyxOtaku1 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2019 17:58
5 i love it :D omg it is sooo nice i see so much work and love in this !!!

maybe i think the song fits not the best to kakegurui - but you do a amazing job with it

30) Loca HonyxOtaku1 | (1 | 0) | 29.04.2019 10:27
ahh i love that anime xD

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