
Последние комментарии Hamasaki

31) If Stranger Things was an 80s Anime Hamasaki | (1 | 1) | 17.07.2019 18:30
Anime looking? Barely...

32) The Game Hamasaki | (2 | 1) | 11.07.2019 11:48
XVikiChanX написал(а):
Seems well made, but reminds me of The Witchtrip a little too much

It has a "KazKonesque" feel to it, but they are quite different.

On the side note, this anime gives certain emphasis on lips and teeth which makes it harder to make a proper lip-sync, and in those parts, it was off-putting.
Still, I'll never understand JapanExpo positions/judging process...

33) 2028 Hamasaki | (4 | 0) | 23.04.2019 15:53
If you replaced the meteorite with the Article 13 & 11, it would be 2 minutes of anticipation for a punchline.

Good nonetheless!

34) Snail's House - Pixel Galaxy Hamasaki | (1 | 0) | 29.03.2019 15:42

35) Raining Bishounen Hamasaki | (1 | 0) | 02.03.2019 02:31
If you're going to post something from 2004 at least remaster it, or else I don't see the point.

36) Eternal Damnation (Remaster) Hamasaki | (0 | 0) | 19.02.2019 18:57
As a remaster it is pretty well done! But that clip was never my favourite from Fluxmeister, I would rather see "Souls of Rage and Sorrow" (this should be easy to remaster) or "Archetype for Anger"

37) Seishun Hamasaki | (8 | 0) | 12.02.2019 18:08

38) Soldiers of Justice Hamasaki | (0 | 0) | 08.02.2019 18:13
This is not awesome but it's not 2.95 bad, damn! People are tired of this song?

39) Lay Down Hamasaki | (3 | 0) | 04.02.2019 18:51
You love to use edge detection.

40) Game of Berserk Hamasaki | (0 | 0) | 03.02.2019 21:28
NIGHT написал(а):

There is no uniform style in your video.
Action is not combined with the second half of AMV.


41) Maple Leaves Hamasaki | (1 | 0) | 03.02.2019 19:31
Lion0608 написал(а):
Hamasaki, Lissabon? Great place , you know)
Hight time to make smth with my city, too)

Actually, it is Porto, same country.

42) Maple Leaves Hamasaki | (0 | 0) | 03.02.2019 18:50
Lion0608 написал(а):
What town, if its not the secret

Not a secret if you can guess the town at 0:32 - 0:35

43) Bluster Hamasaki | (4 | 5) | 03.02.2019 14:34
-Kisagi- написал(а):
tbh I don't see a reason why would you compare that amv to this. Sure they used the same song, but different versions and the whole thing is different such as the setting, anime, editing, and some others. Also most people, unless they've came across it or been here for a while, have never seen that amv before therefore you can't generally call it's essence the same as to copying the amv.

For originality there is more to it than just using the same kind of song.

I never said that you couldn't use the same song, read again:
"Certain songs are attached to great AMVs, and it is a tremendous challenge to distance yourself from them"
And I repeate, I know it is a cover, but it is too similar, also the remaster made in 2016 is still quite viewed.

Like I said, this AMV is undercooked/rushed, the masks are not good, a lot of the overlays are a mess, and they haven't even made an effort on those letters, in fact they didn't even remove those modern buildings on the left at 0:48:

I've seen those authors other works way before this clip, and I was expecting a lot more, I bet they also know their mistakes and actually feel it was rushed as well, so they decided to insert it in Fun category.

44) Bluster Hamasaki | (2 | 2) | 03.02.2019 01:12
NicoKun написал(а):
"Damn how come they edited THIS song, i'm so pissed now omg"
Find a new hobby buddy, everyone can edit the songs they want if they have an idea and they won't be stopped by you.

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, Scaramouch will you do the Fandango

45) Game of Berserk Hamasaki | (0 | 0) | 02.02.2019 20:52
MesoGear написал(а):
Hamasaki, I meant the whole stream of contest clips, it took up the whole main page

You're right. Like I said in the description, I'm stupid.

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