
Last comments Gorz

46) Other Blue Gorz | (1 | 0) | 20.12.2013 12:50
I surprisingly enjoyed it, very nice story!

47) PleXus Gorz | (3 | 0) | 11.12.2013 22:21
Turbo wrote:
Ловите на просмотр клипы с рейтингом 4.5 и выше и будет вам щастье. )

I don't think epic videos usually have decent ratings or as you said rated 4.5 or more, I've seen many videos which many agrees that they are bad (technically, conceptually and visually bad) still they are the "good" bad, they have their own personality and their review-ability is just freaking high, most of the highly rated videos nowadays are videos with really high technical effort. so to break this down comparing a highly rated 4.5+ AMV with a "good bad" one is just like if you are comparing Titanic with a movie like Evil Dead, both were produced with different budget but still daaaaaamn "Evil Dead" was crazily awesome!
PS: I used Google translator to translate your comment, so my bad if this is not what you meant
PSS: Titanic suckeddd!!

48) Death Silence Gorz | (3 | 0) | 06.12.2013 16:38
it took me a while to understand this video, I'm not sure if I can truly consider it a horror, not trying to dirt your work but those little jump-scares, ugly random faces, big deformed eyes..they were like a peekaboo to me, like if the viewer is a little kid and you are trying to scare him when the music is so clam, also those pre-edited scenes from Skrillex and Korn, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUOlc_j4rMA were a huge downside and kept me from enjoying this video, I don't think horror necessarily means random bloody scenes, people dying and deformed faces here and there, it has to be something mental, you keep me waiting for something to happen and you give me hints so I'll expect "X" and "Y" events are going to happen but when shit goes down you surprise me with a "Z" event, that's horror for me! I'm saying this because I thought the video could be much more interesting HORROR WISE, but still the video has its character, good luck

49) Resonance Drift Gorz | (9 | 0) | 05.12.2013 14:40
it screams Quantum Ripples

50) Boxxed Gorz | (2 | 0) | 30.10.2013 00:35
I have to admit! I freaking love this video, awesome compositions, really cool sense of design, impressive amount of themed transitions, and conveys the songs atmosphere just perfect! I'd work a little with the texts if I was you but still well done I'm impressed, moaaare of this

51) Spring of Everything Gorz | (0 | 0) | 28.10.2013 00:18
it s friday friday gotta get down on friday funfunfunfun

52) Heart, Soul And Far Beyond Gorz | (1 | 0) | 20.10.2013 11:26
Alkatrazzeeerrrg doing a good job keeping the main page busy, 5 for the year it was released in.

53) Give us a little love Gorz | (2 | 0) | 13.10.2013 12:37

54) Sons of War Gorz | (1 | 0) | 11.10.2013 21:25
the butthurt is strong on this post

55) Dra-Co-Ty-Ra Gorz | (1 | 0) | 11.10.2013 13:04
Happy birthday Tritio!!

56) MEP - Bad Girlfriend Gorz | (1 | 1) | 10.10.2013 22:09
not bad at all but I still prefer this My Super Girlfriend :3

57) Worldcalling Gorz | (1 | 0) | 08.10.2013 07:17
awesome! )

58) You are (not) gay Gorz | (1 | 1) | 06.10.2013 23:54
F1xeR, http://puu.sh/4JoqL.jpg

oh god why! xD

59) You are (not) gay Gorz | (2 | 1) | 06.10.2013 23:29

60) Born to Die Gorz | (3 | 2) | 06.10.2013 14:25
pretty nice overall! some technical errors here and there but the mood is really cool gj

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