
Последние комментарии Dreamer AMV

Количество комментариев за все время: 3, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 4 (66.67%)
Отрицательные оценки 2 (33.33%)
Количество положительных комментов 1 (33.33%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) Neurosis Dreamer AMV | (0 | 0) | 11.03.2019 12:22
5. You have really done a great job in just 3 days, I really liked the result.

2) Atonement Dreamer AMV | (2 | 2) | 17.05.2018 13:59
The general idea fits perfectly with the anime and is also well carried out as far as editing is concerned.

You can be proud, it's a great AMV.

3) Underwear Dreamer AMV | (2 | 0) | 23.03.2018 13:01
Hi! I would like to thank everyone for your comments and criticisms, the truth is that they have helped me and I have learned a lot. I hope to put this knowledge into practice in future videos. I really appreciate it.

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